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A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale

Diciembre, 2023

Agriculture consumes the largest share of freshwater globally; therefore, distinguishing between rainfed and irrigated croplands is essential for agricultural water management and food security. In this study, a framework incorporating the Budyko model was used to differentiate between rainfed and irrigated cropland areas in Africa for eight remote sensing landcover products and a high-confidence cropland map (HCCM). The HCCM was generated for calibration and validation of the crop partitioning framework as an alternative to individual cropland masks which exhibit high disagreement.

‘Squeezing Out’ the Nile Delta’s drainage water to irrigate Egypt’s desert land

Diciembre, 2023

Egypt’s quota of Nile River water has been constant since the 1950s, despite the continual agricultural land expansion. To facilitate land reclamation, Egypt has reallocated Nile water from downstream users, mostly smallholders in the ‘old lands’ of the Delta. As water demands have grown, more attention has gone to the reuse of waste/drainage water as a reliable source for irrigated agriculture in the “old lands”.

Gender norms and social transformation of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Diciembre, 2023

There is a paucity of scientific information regarding gender norms and social transformation in the Sub-Saharan region. This has contributed to the insufficient articulation of gender issues in the proposed agricultural programmes and visions, such as the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Malabo Declaration. These efforts premise the transformation of the African continent on the foundation of the agricultural sector, a critical pillar in most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Experts to convene in Cairo for the “Consultation Workshop: Deep Diving into the Agritech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt”

Diciembre, 2023

On 7 February 2024 at the InterContinental Cairo Semiramis, CGIAR Centers – Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA, IWMI, IFPRI, and supported by the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform (A4IP) – in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt (ASRT) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt (MOHESR) hosted the "Consultation Workshop: Deep Diving into the Agri-tech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt".

Consultation Workshop: Deep Diving into the Agritech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt

Diciembre, 2023

On 7 February 2024 at the InterContinental Cairo Semiramis, CGIAR Centers – Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA, IWMI, IFPRI, and supported by the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform (A4IP) – in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt (ASRT) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt (MOHESR) hosted the "Consultation Workshop: Deep Diving into the Agri-tech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt".

CGIAR collaborates with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology to host the “Consultation workshop: Deep diving into the Agritech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt”

Diciembre, 2023

On 7 February 2024 at the InterContinental Cairo Semiramis, CGIAR Centers – Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA, IWMI, IFPRI, and supported by the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform (A4IP) – in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt (ASRT) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt (MOHESR) hosted the "Consultation Workshop: Deep Diving into the Agri-tech Innovation Ecosystem in Egypt".

Integrating the development program for agri-food system with climate change policies and commitments in Tajikistan

Diciembre, 2023

At COP28 countries recognized that unprecedented adverse climate impacts are increasingly threatening the resilience of agriculture and food systems and ability to produce and access food in the prevailing scenario of mounting hunger, malnutrition, and economic stresses.

Strengthening groundwater governance in Pakistan

Diciembre, 2023

Pakistan is highly dependent on irrigated agriculture for employment, income generation and food security—around 90 percent of all food production relies on either surface or groundwater irrigation. The growing dependence of agriculture but also industries and the drinking water sector on groundwater has led to the overexploitation of groundwater resources and, in some areas, to the deterioration of groundwater quality. Fiscal incentives for solarization of irrigation/drinking water pumps are likely to further increase water withdrawals and make water governance more complex.

Afrique – Aperçu régional de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition 2023

Manuals & Guidelines
Peer-reviewed publication
Conference Papers & Reports
Noviembre, 2023

L'Afrique est confrontée à une crise alimentaire d'une ampleur sans précédent. On s'attend à ce que des millions de personnes soient touchées par une aggravation de la faim dans un avenir proche en raison des conséquences de la guerre en Ukraine, qui s'ajoutent aux effets dévastateurs des conflits, de la variabilité du climat et des extrêmes climatiques, des ralentissements et des fléchissements économiques, et des répercussions de la pandémie de covid-19 sur les personnes les plus vulnérables.

Con la Soja al Cuello 2023

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur

Este año el informe presta especial atención al impacto del agronegocio en cuatro dimensiones: la alimentación, la salud, el cambio climático y la criminalización. Respecto al primero, se analiza en uno de los artículos el continuo aumen- to de la importación de productos frutihortícolas, propios de la agricultura campesina, ante la inexistencia de una política siquiera de seguridad alimentaria. Los datos del Censo 2022, evidencian que las políticas agrícolas y económicas del país provocan el declive de la producción y economía campesinas.

IISD Model Contract Clauses for Responsible Investment in Agriculture

Manuals & Guidelines
Septiembre, 2023

The IISD Model Clauses aim to support agricultural investment negotiators, state lawyers, and policy-makers in helping achieve their country’s sustainable development objectives for investment in agriculture and food systems. The IISD Model Clauses are primarily designed to inform the drafting of investor–state contracts. These are contracts in which a “grantor,” that is, a government entity, grants rights to private (often foreign) investors for the large-scale and long-term lease of agricultural land.

Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación

Reports & Research
Julio, 2023

La investigación: 'Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación' aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia.

La presente investigación aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia. Nos referimos al cambio de clima en Santa Cruz y sus nexos con la agricultura y la deforestación.