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Introducing Energy-efficient Clean Technologies in the Brick Sector of Bangladesh

Marzo, 2012

This study's objectives are: (i) to
present the pros and cons of existing and alternative brick
technologies in Bangladesh with specific focus on pollution
and energy efficiency; (ii) to estimate the private and
social benefits of these technologies (iii) to summarize
China's experience in the development of the brick
industry, as the world leader brick producer and (iv) to
provide concrete recommendations for adopting cleaner

Greening the Wind : Environmental
and Social Considerations for Wind Power Development

Marzo, 2012

This report identifies good practices
for managing the key environmental and social issues
associated with wind power development and provides advice
on how best to address these issues in project planning,
construction, and operation and maintenance. It provides
detailed background information on wind power, with special
focus on two emerging themes of growing scientific and
public interest: namely the biodiversity-related impacts and

'Green' Growth,
'Green' Jobs and Labor Markets

Marzo, 2012

The term 'green jobs' can
refer to employment in a narrowly defined set of industries
providing environmental services. But it is more useful for
the policy-maker to focus on the broader issue of the
employment consequences of policies to correct environmental
externalities such as anthropogenic climate change. Most of
the literature focuses on direct employment created, with
more cursory treatment of indirect and induced job creation,

Leveraging Migration for Africa :
Remittances, Skills, and Investments

Marzo, 2012

International migration has profound
implications for human welfare, and African governments have
had only a limited influence on welfare outcomes, for good
or ill. Improved efforts to manage migration will require
information on the nature and impact of migratory patterns.
This book seeks to contribute toward this goal, by reviewing
previous research and providing new analyses (including
surveys and case studies) as well as by formulating policy

Biofuels in Africa : Opportunities,
Prospects, and Challenges

Marzo, 2012

Biofuels offer new opportunities for
African countries. They can contribute to economic growth,
employment, and rural incomes. They can become an important
export for some countries and provide low-cost fuel for
others. There is also a potentially large demand for
biofuels to meet the rapidly growing need for local fuel.
Abundant natural resources and low-cost labor make producing
biofuel feedstock's a viable alternative to traditional

Pacific Islands - Fisheries sector
engagement strategy

Marzo, 2012

The World Bank's 11 Pacific Island
member countries are a diverse group in terms of economic
and social conditions. Five are least developed countries,
with annual per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as low
as US$ 700, while in some of the territories average incomes
are comparable to those in wealthy industrialized countries.
Population densities and growth rates, land areas and the
level of urbanization all display similarly wide ranges.

From Growth to Green Growth : A Framework

Marzo, 2012

Green growth is about making growth
processes resource-efficient, cleaner and more resilient
without necessarily slowing them. This paper aims at
clarifying these concepts in an analytical framework and at
proposing foundations for green growth. The green growth
approach proposed here is based on (1) focusing on what
needs to happen over the next 5-10 years before the world
gets locked into patterns that would be prohibitively

Rising Global Interest in Farmland :
Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?

Marzo, 2012

Interest in farmland is rising. And,
given commodity price volatility, growing human and
environmental pressures, and worries about food security,
this interest will increase, especially in the developing
world. One of the highest development priorities in the
world must be to improve smallholder agricultural
productivity, especially in Africa. Smallholder productivity
is essential for reducing poverty and hunger, and more and

The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

Marzo, 2012

This is a Regional Program Review (RPR)
of the World Bank's support for the MBC. The review is
framed around an assessment of five Global Environment
Facility (GEF)-financed World Bank implemented projects in
Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama that had
the common objective of consolidating the Mesoamerican
Biological Corridor (MBC). It also reports on the
achievements of trust fund activities, financed by the Bank

The World Bank Annual Report 2011

Marzo, 2012

Executive Directors continued to play an
important role as the World Bank faced many challenges in a
global post crisis economy. The Board considered a number of
key documents in preparation for the committee on
development effectiveness meetings. These included the World
Development Report 2011, which focuses on conflict,
security, and development, and responding to global food
price volatility and its impact on food security, which

Development Economics through the

Marzo, 2012

The World Development Report (WDR) has
become such a fixture that it is easy to forget the
circumstances under which it was born and the Bank's
motivation for producing such a report at that time. In the
first chapter of this essay, the authors provide a brief
background on the circumstances of newly independent
developing countries and summarize some of the main strands
of the emerging field of development economics. This

Social Dimensions of Climate Change
: Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World

Marzo, 2012

Climate change is widely acknowledged as
foremost among the formidable challenges facing the
international community in the 21st century. It poses
challenges to fundamental elements of our understanding of
appropriate goals for social and economic policy, such as
the connection of prosperity, growth, equity, and
sustainable development. This volume seeks to establish an
agenda for research and action built on an enhanced