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Displaying 2113 - 2124 of 3584

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam : Coffee Sector Report

Julio, 2013

Vietnam has experienced three sets of
direct impacts as a result of the coffee crisis: Some
regional economic shocks, socio-economic impacts in the
primary coffee-producing regions that have resulted in the
partial dismantling of services like health-care and
education; and post-crisis changes in the business
environment. This study of the Vietnamese coffee sector is
divided into seven parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the

Kyrgyz Republic - Agricultural Policy Update : Sustaining Pro-poor Rural Growth, Rural Challenges for Government and Donors

Julio, 2013

Critical choices must now be made if
growth is to be sustained. Significant potential exists for
future growth, but bringing out this potential poses a major
challenge for government policy. Agricultural strategy must
shift its focus towards support for continuous productivity
growth by peasant farms in a conducive marketing
environment. Key priorities include completion of land
reforms (especially in the North); fundamental restructuring

Morocco - Poverty Report : Strengthening Policy by Identifying the Geographic Dimension of poverty

Julio, 2013

The report provides detailed information
on the geographical distribution of poverty and
vulnerability throughout the country - i.e. regions,
provinces and communes. The information presented is
essential to understand poverty at the local level, and to
address it with appropriate sectoral or cross-sectoral
strategies. Further, when local poverty rates are analyzed
alongside public expenditure data, an initial assessment for

Achieving Ukraine's Agricultural Potential : Stimulating Agricultural Growth and Improving Rural Life

Julio, 2013

This study provides a review of the food
and agricultural sector in Ukraine. It assesses the current
status of the food and agricultural sector with special
reference to the agricultural policy regime and the form and
level of government support to the sector. The paper reviews
the sector's readiness to compete on open global
markets for food and agricultural products. Given the
importance and sensitivity of the food and agriculture

Pakistan - Rural Factor Markets : Policy Reforms for Growth and Equity

Julio, 2013

Accelerating rural economic growth and
reducing rural poverty requires a comprehensive strategy
built on sound analysis covering all major aspects o f the
rural economy including agricultural output markets, input
markets (seeds, fertilizer, extension), factor markets
(land, water, labor and credit), the rural non- farm
economy, and targeted interventions. This report focuses on
one aspect o f this complex puzzle - rural factor markets.

Morocco : Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation

Julio, 2013

This report is the first step in a
process toward using environmental damage cost assessments
for priority setting and as an instrument for integrating
environmental issues into economic and social development.
The report provides estimates of damage cost for several
areas of the environment: air, water, land and forests, and
waste disposal. The estimates should be considered as orders
of magnitude and a range is provided to indicate the level

Recession, Recovery and Poverty in Moldova

Julio, 2013

Following the collapse of the Soviet
Union, Moldova faced the deepest and most prolonged
recession among transition countries, and the resulting
increase in poverty has made it the poorest country in
Europe today. The main objective of this report is to update
and assess poverty in Moldova in its multiple dimensions,
with a view to informing public policies. It focuses on the
period of recession that followed the Russian crisis and the

From Goats to Coats : Institutional Reform in Mongolia's Cashmere Sector

Julio, 2013

The Mongolian cashmere industry has
experienced a series of booms and busts over the last
decade. Unsatisfactory public sector policies contributed to
this result. External factors such as the unfavorable
economic environment of the early 1990s, the East Asia
crisis, and weather conditions have also affected its
performance. Over 1993-96 cashmere exports doubled from
US$33.5 million to US$71.2 million, as cashmere's share

Lebanon : Policy Note on Irrigation Sector Sustainability

Julio, 2013

This Policy Note has three main
objectives : a) formulate strategic choices related to the
sustainability of irrigated agriculture in Lebanon. b)
recommend institutional strengthening of water resource
management in the irrigation sector in general, especially
for operations and maintenance (O&M). c) define the
Bank's future involvement in the irrigated agriculture
sector. As demand for domestic, industrial, and agriculture

Albania : Social Safety Net Review

Julio, 2013

In 1989, Albania's rigid political
and socioeconomic structure shattered beyond repair.
Turbulence soon invaded every domain of life. As the state
imploded, so did the state-run economy. This review explores
ongoing consequences of this difficult transformation that
took place since 1989 and of policy initiatives to mitigate
or ameliorate its effects. Albania has been much studied;
the review addresses important information gaps. It

Achieving Ukraine's Agricultural Potential : Stimulating Agricultural Growth and Improving Rural Life, Part 2. Evaluation of Support to Ukrainian Agriculture - Methodology and Detailed Tables

Julio, 2013

This study provides a review of the food
and agricultural sector in Ukraine. It assesses the current
status of the food and agricultural sector with special
reference to the agricultural policy regime and the form and
level of government support to the sector. The paper reviews
the sector's readiness to compete on open global
markets for food and agricultural products. Given the
importance and sensitivity of the food and agriculture

Armenia : Poverty Assessment, Volume 2. Main Report

Julio, 2013

This report reviews poverty in Armenia
in 2001, and examines the most recent trends covering the
1998/99 to 2001 period. It looks at the determinants of
poverty, and analyzes linkages between economic growth,
sector policies and poverty. The findings are based on two
rounds of the Armenia Integrated Living Conditions Survey
(ILCS), one carried out in 1998/99, and the other in 2001.
The report has contributed to the development of