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Regional Law No. 16-GD “On cadastre registration of plots of land”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates the issues of preparation, elaboration and location of plots of land on cadastre scheme or cadastre map on the respective territory. It shall be applicable to: (a) public or municipal land allotted for housing construction; (b) public or municipal land destined for sale; (c) public agricultural land allotted for peasant and family farming. Cadastre scheme shall contain boundaries of plots of land, land area, location and “validated” print.

Regional Law No. 3534-OZ “On purchase of land plots allotted to agricultural organizations or peasant farms”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes the price (15 percent of cadastre value) for purchase of land plots within urban areas destined for agricultural production, without edifices or constructions thereupon, allotted to agricultural organizations or peasant farms on condition of permanent (open-ended) tenancy or life-long hereditary possession.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 3697-OZ amending Regional Law No. 3534-OZ “On purchase of land plots allotted to agricultural organizations or peasant farms”. (2015-06-25)

Regional Law No. 65-ZS amending Regional Law No. 12-ZS “On plenary powers of regional state bodies related to land tenure and management of land parcels”.

Europa oriental

In the whole text of the document shall be added the wording “peasant farm shall perform its activity in the sphere of gardening”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 12-ZS “On plenary powers of regional state bodies related to land tenure and management of land parcels”. (2008-07-02)

Regional Law No. 59-RZ “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of land relations”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates some issues in the sphere of land relations except for those related to agricultural land. It establishes minimum and maximum land areas for land plots pertaining to public and municipal land in ownership to citizens in accordance with the following criteria: (a) gardening – from 0, 05 ha to 0, 15 ha; (b) horticulture – from 0, 02 ha to 0, 10 ha; (c) for stockbreeding – from 0, 02 ha to 0, 10 ha; (d) suburban housing construction – from 0, 06 ha to 0, 25 ha; and (e) peasant farming – up to 75 ha, including agricultural land – up to 50 ha.

Ley Nº 27.118 - Ley de reparación histórica de la agricultura familiar para la construcción de una nueva ruralidad en la Argentina.

América del Sur

Por la presente Ley se declara de interés público la agricultura familiar, campesina e indígena por su contribución a la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria del pueblo, y por practicar y promover sistemas de vida y de producción que preservan la biodiversidad y procesos sostenibles de transformación productiva.

Regional Law No. 436-Z amending Regional Law No 316-Z “On regulation of land relations”.

Europa oriental

Article 7-1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Citizen interested in obtaining in ownership plot of land shall submit written application to the local government containing a copy of identity card or other identifying document and birth certificate (adoption certificate) of children or copies of identity cards thereof”.

Amends: Regional Law No 316-Z “On regulation of land relations”. (2012-12-06)

Regional Law No. 1803-ZRK amending Regional Law No. 765-ZRK “On maximum agricultural land plot areas allotted out of stock of public and municipal land to citizens in ownership”.

Europa oriental

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Maximum land area of the plots of agricultural land allotted free of charge to citizens out of the stock of public and municipal land in ownership shall be set forth as follows: (a) for horticulture, gardening, stockbreeding, suburban housing construction – 0.15 ha; and (b) for subsidiary smallholding – 0, 5.ha; and (c) for individual housing construction in rural areas – 0, 15 ha”.

Regional Law No 316-Z “On regulation of land relations”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment once-only free of charge of agricultural land plots out of stock of public and municipal land in ownership to some categories of citizens, including multiple children (three and more) families, for peasant farming, subsidiary smallholding, horticulture, gardening and suburban individual housing construction. Order on allotment of land shall be issued and legalized by local government.

Regional Law No. 1775-OZ amending Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”.

Europa oriental

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “allotment of plots of land for individual housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, gardening and horticulture to families with disabled children”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”. (2008-06-06)

Regional Law No. 98-OZ amending Regional Law No. 8-OZ “On allotment of land parcels in ownership free of charge”.

Europa oriental

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of agricultural land shall be allotted to specific categories of citizens for agricultural production, other purposes related to agricultural production, for suburban farming and for individual housing construction”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 8-OZ “On allotment of land parcels in ownership free of charge”. (2009-10-07)
Repealed by: Regional Law No. 146-OZ “On allotment of plots of land in ownership to citizens free of charge”. (2015-12-28)

Resolución Nº 1/12 - Procedimiento para la construcción, reconstrucción, remodelación y legalización de las bienhechurías en tierras entregadas en usufructo.


La presente Resolución aprueba el Procedimiento que tiene por objeto regular la construcción, reconstrucción, remodelación, ampliación y legalización de las edificaciones, instalaciones y obras para el adecuado mantenimiento, conservación y aprovechamiento de las tierras entregadas en usufructo a personas naturales y jurídicas, así como las viviendas del usufructuario y sus familiares, consideradas como bienhechurías.

Acuerdo Nº 349 - Reglamento de selección de beneficiarios, adjudicación y regularización de la tenencia de los bienes ingresados al Fondo Nacional Agrario.

América del Sur

El presente Acuerdo tiene por objeto reglamentar el procedimiento de adjudicación de predios ocupados de manera regular y lícita, el procedimiento ordinario para la selección de beneficiarios y adjudicación, el procedimiento especial en caso de ocupación de hecho de parcelas, la caducidad administrativa de la adjudicación, la enajenación y fraccionamiento de parcelas, la remisión de expedientes a la unidad de restitución, la dotación y adjudicación de tierras en favor de personas reincorporadas a la vida civil, las destinaciones especiales y la normalización de los predios y parcelas ingres