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National REDD+ outcompetes gold and logging: the potential of cleaning profit chains.

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2018

While the potential contribution of a nationally implemented program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) to developing countries’ budgets remains as yet obscure, two general concerns are that REDD+ will i) incentivize land grabbing and ii) remain financially uncompetitive against current commercial forest uses.

A Fair Share for Women: Toward More Equitable Land Compensation and Resettlement in Tanzania and Mozambique

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2018

Tanzania and Mozambique — countries of vast mountain ranges and open stretches of plateaus — now face a growing land problem. As soil degradation, climate change and population growth place enormous strains on the natural resources that sustain millions of people, multinational companies are also gunning for large swaths of land across both countries. Caught between these pressures, many poor, rural communities get displaced or decide to sell their collectively held land.

A Fair Share for Women: Toward More Equitable Land Compensation and Resettlement in Tanzania and Mozambique

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2018

Tanzania and Mozambique — countries of vast mountain ranges and open stretches of plateaus — now face a growing land problem. As soil degradation, climate change and population growth place enormous strains on the natural resources that sustain millions of people, multinational companies are also gunning for large swaths of land across both countries. Caught between these pressures, many poor, rural communities get displaced or decide to sell their collectively held land.

Assessing the effectiveness of a protected area network: a case study of Bhutan

Peer-reviewed publication
Febrero, 2018

An assessment of management effectiveness was carried out for all the protected areas in the Kingdom of Bhutan. During 2014-2016 the Royal Government of Bhutan developed a custom-made tool for assessing management effectiveness: the Bhutan Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool Plus (Bhutan METT +). This was implemented in Bhutan’s 10 protected areas and one botanical park, and the results were verified through field trips and expert reviews.

Augmenter l’utilisation des Directives volontaires pour la gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers (DVGF) parmi les organisations de la société civile et de base

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2018

Augmenter l'utilisation des Directives volontaires pour la gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers (DVGF) parmi les organisations de la société civile et de base – Mali est une fiche d'information sur le pays qui fournit des informations sur le projet «Augmenter l'utilisation des DVGF parmi les OSC et les organisations de base», un aperçu général de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans le pays et des informations sur les activités entreprises dans le pays en collaboration avec les OSC locales et les organisations de base.

Brevetto Suolo

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2018

I Brevetti delle Nazioni Unite sono stati sviluppati allo scopo di sensibilizzare, educare e soprattutto motivare i giovani a modificare i loro comportamenti e a diventare protagonisti attivi del cambiamento nella propria comunità. I Brevetti possono essere usati per lezioni scolastiche, attività di gruppi giovanili e sono promossi da WAGGGS e WOSM. Comprendono diversi tipi di attività e idee che possono essere utilizzate facilmente da insegnanti e capigruppo.

Barbados and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Febrero, 2018

For 40 years, FAO has been an important partner in Barbados’ drive to achieve its agricultural and rural development

priorities, including natural resource management and climate change adaptation. During this time, FAO has provided

critical technical and financial support, and mobilized international partners in the process. Key outcomes include the

implementation of policies leading to improvements in the crop, livestock, fisheries and forestry sectors, as well as

strengthened food security and safety.

Etat du secteur bois de la République centrafricaine (2016)

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2018
Central African Republic

La République centrafricaine (RCA) couvre une superficie de 623 000 km2 et compte environ 23 millions d’hectares de forêts, soit environ 37% de sa superficie totale. Le secteur forêt-bois opère à partir du massif forestier du sud-ouest où seule l’exploitation forestière industrielle est effectuée. Actuellement, onze (11) entreprises forestières fonctionnent, avec une production annuelle moyenne d’environ 400 000 m3. Les exportations de grumes et de sciages sont respectivement d’environ 160 000 m3 et 40 000 m3.

An assessment of policies, institutions and regulations for water harvesting, solar energy, and groundwater in Jordan

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2018
United States of America

This report constitutes part of the project GCP/JOR/018/SWI: “Reduce vulnerability in Jordan

in the context of water scarcity and increasing food/energy demand” project, funded by the

Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation (SDC).

The objective of this report is to address project output 4: “Prepared appropriate long-term

policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks to facilitate the adoption and scale-up of the

three-pronged approach and integrate it within national food-water-energy related policies/

المملكة العربية السعودية والفاو

Institutional & promotional materials
Febrero, 2018
Saudi Arabia

يربط بين منظمة الأغذية والزراعة والمملكة العربية السعودية تاريخ حافل بالتعاون. فعلى مدى أكثر من 50 عاماً، غطت المساعدات المقدَّمة من المنظمة الطيف الكامل من التنمية الزراعية والريفية عبر تدخلات مختارة بعناية لتلبية المجالات ذات الأولوية العليا التي حددها البلد ووضعه الإقليمي. وتشمل بعض الملامح البارزة للتعاون صياغة أُطر للسياسات وأُطر تنظيمية بما يشمل تنمية القدرات الوطنية والمساعدة التقنية لزراعة البستنة العالية القيمة.

State of the forest sector in Central African Republic (2016)

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2018
Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has a total land area of 623,000 km2 of which close to 23 million hectares, i.e. 37%, is composed of forested lands. In the southwestern part of the country all forest operations are industrial. At present there are 11 logging companies, with an average annual production of close to 400,000 m3. Exports of logs and sawn timber are, respectively, close to 160,000 m3 and 40,000 m3. The timber sector accounts for 11% of the GDP and 13% of the country’s export earnings. The main destinations of CAR timber are Europe (47%) and Asia (49%).