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Decreto Ley Nº 298 - Seguridad social de los Usufructuarios de Tierra.

Agosto, 2012

El presente Decreto Ley establece un régimen especial de Seguridad Social que protege a los usufructuarios de tierra, incluidos los usufructuarios para el cultivo de tabaco, café y cacao. El régimen especial de Seguridad Social ofrece protección ante la vejez, la invalidez total temporal o permanente y, en caso de muerte, a su familia, así como a la usufructuaria ante la maternidad, de acuerdo con lo regulado en el presente decreto ley.

Decreto nº 7.7794

Legislation & Policies
Julio, 2012

A PRESIDENTA DA REPÚBLICA, no uso das atribuições que lhe confere o art. 84, caput, incisos IV eVI, alínea “a”, da Constituição, e tendo em vista o disposto no art. 50 da Lei nº 10.711, de 5 de agosto de 2003, e no art. 11 da Lei nº 10.831, de 23 de dezembro de 2003,  


Law 034-2012/AN Agrarian Reform Law

Legislation & Policies
Junio, 2012
Burkina Faso

"La présente loi détermine d’une part, le statut des terres du domaine foncier national, les principes généraux qui régissent l'aménagement et le développement durable du territoire, la gestion des ressources foncières et des autres ressources naturelles ainsi que la réglementation des droits réels immobiliers et d’autre part, les orientations d’une politique agraire."

Non-Citizens and Land Tenure in Kenya: Land Acquisition for Investment in a New Constitutional Era

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

The acquisition of land by foreigners in developing countries has emerged as a key mechanism for foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI is defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as the category of international investment that reflects the objective of a resident entity in one economy to obtain a lasting interest in an enterprise resident in another economy.

Statut foncier des terres aménagées dans le cadre du programme Kandadji

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

38 000 habitants seront déplacées lors de la construction du barrage de Kandadji au Niger. Nous avons réalisé une étude sur les aspects juridiques de ce déplacement, en examinant des moyens permettant à l’État d’optimiser son investissement tout en veillant à ce que la compensation des populations déplacées soit juste. Cette étude pèse le pour et le contre des différents modes de gestion des processus juridiques au sein des zones affectées par un barrage.

Study of the legal status of public land in irrigation schemes in Kandadji

Reports & Research
Junio, 2012

37,891 inhabitants were displaced when the Kandadji dam was built in Niger. We carried out a study of the legal aspects of such displacement, examining ways for the State to optimise its investment whilst also seeking justice for displaced populations. This study weighs up the various options for managing legal processes within the affected areas of dams.

Agricultural land acquisition by foreign investors in Pakistan

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2012

This paper explores the Pakistani government’s 2009 agricultural investment policy package — a response to increasing foreign investor interest in agricultural land — and considers the likely implications for local communities. By analysing the policy pertaining to the categories of cultivated and uncultivated land, the paper explores possible consequences that peasant farming communities and grazing communities face.

Tracking progress in land policy formulation and implementation in Africa: background document

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2012

Cognizant of the centrality of land policy issues in Africa, a joint initiative was undertaken by the African Union Commission (AUC), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) in 2006, forming the genesis of the Land Policy Initiative (LPI). Through the LPI important actions and measures have been launched including a series of regional studies on land issues across Africa accompanied by rigorous consultations and discussions at regional and continental levels.

Nigeria - An Economic Analysis of Natural Resources Sustainability : Land Tenure and Land Degradation Issues

Junio, 2012

The scope and urgency of the threats to
Nigeria's rural land are no secret. In 2005, a working
group dedicated to formulating a national agricultural land
policy began the process with a comprehensive articulation
of the challenges facing Nigeria's agricultural land.
The litany included recognition that: 1) agricultural land
use in the country has been unsustainable, resulting in no
fewer than eleven types of extensive land degradation and