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Small-scale land acquisitions, large-scale implications: Exploring the case of Chinese banana investments in Northern Laos

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre, 2016

The scholarly debate around ‘global land grabbing’ is advancing theoretically, methodologically and empirically. This study contributes to these ongoing efforts by investigating a set of ‘small-scale land acquisitions’ in the context of a recent boom in banana plantation investments in Luang Namtha Province, Laos.

A note on large-scale land acquisitions, commitment problems and international law

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

Poorly developed countries with weak institutions often face severe commitment problems. International investors are reluctant to invest in these countries because their property rights are insufficiently protected. We argue that in order to overcome the commitment problem countries may subject investors' rights protection to independent investment tribunals.

Land Disputes and Stalled Investments in India

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

India’s ambitious development agenda involves facilitating investment for economic growth, infrastructure development, and social progress. Yet, thousands of investment projects have been stalled to date, raising red flags for the health of the country’s financial regulatory systems, public sector banks, and investment community.

Une entreprise d'huile de palme en RDC soutenue par l'aide au développement est confrontée à des conflits fonciers et des opérations financières suspectes

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016
République démocratique du Congo

Des fonds de développement européens et américains financent actuellement l’entreprise d’huile de palme Feronia Inc en dépit des conflits portant sur les terres et les conditions de travail sur ses plantations en République démocratique du Congo (RDC).

Compañía de aceite de palma respaldada por fondos de desarrollo plagada de conflictos por la tierra y finanzas poco transparentes en la República Democrática del Congo

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016
República Democrática del Congo

Fondos de desarrollo europeos y estadounidenses están financiando la compañía de aceite de palma Feronia Inc. a pesar de los conflictos por la tierra y con los trabajadores en sus plantaciones de la República Democrática del Congo.

International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix: Analytical Report II

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

Summary: Includes land acquisitions continue to be an important trend; a need for this new, updated report; agricultural land acquisitions are increasingly becoming operational; food crops dominate but also palm oil and fuel crops; Africa is the most targeted continent; large diversity in origin of investors; land acquisitions often target relatively highly populated areas dominated by cropland

La historia de Ema Tapullima y las señoras de Puerto Prado

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

Después de numerosas estrategias de supervivencia, los pobladores de Puerto Prado lograron adquirir legalmente las tierras que ocupaban comprando a precio del mercado la nueva propiedad. Con los títulos de posesión en mano obtuvieron en el año 2003 el estatus de Comunidad Nativa que reclamaron con tanto ahínco tanto al Ministerio de Agricultura como al Gobierno de Loreto, en el Perú.