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Proceedings of the National Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Responsible Governance of Investment in Land

Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero, 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Responsible Governance of Investment in Land (RGIL) project conducted national Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) under the theme “Responsible Agricultural Investment: A Pathway to Inclusive Sustainable Development”. It was held from 21 to 22 March 2023 in Addis Ababa, at Radisson Blu Hotel. The dialogue brought together ninety-one representatives of government officials, technical experts, academia, agricultural investors, the local community, civil society organizations (CSO), consultants, and the media.

Utiliser le dialogue pour remédier aux conflits fonciers

Reports & Research
Enero, 2023

Au Cameroun, l’augmentation des investissements à grande échelle, dans des secteurs tels que l’agro-industrie, l’exploitation minière et forestière, a entraîné de nombreux transferts de droits fonciers des communautés locales vers les acteurs commerciaux. Mais ces transferts négligent souvent les droits des communautés à la consultation, à l’information et au consentement. Les investissements entrainent des déplacements fréquents et/ou la perte d’accès à des zones et des ressources cruciales.

Financement des commissions foncières

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2022

Les autorités maliennes ont mis en place des commissions foncières (CoFo) en vue de prévenir et de résoudre les conflits fonciers. Ces commissions sont confrontées à des problèmes de fonctionnement liés au manque de ressources financières. De fait, de nombreuses CoFo ne sont pas opérationnelles ; seules quelques-unes fonctionnent en mode projet grâce au soutien financier des partenaires techniques et financiers au développement.

Documental Niweaba: mujeres shipibas enfrentan las amenazas a sus territorios y sus vidas

Diciembre, 2022

Las comunidades shipibas cuyos territorios se ubican en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, región Ucayali, enfrentan múltiples amenazas a sus derechos territoriales y sus vidas: narcotráfico, tala ilegal. Pero no solo actividades ilegales, también concesiones forestales y agrícolas otorgadas por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego en sus territorios. Los menonitas han deforestado grandes extensiones.

Climate Shocks and Local Urban Conflicts: An Evolutionary Perspective on Risk Governance in Bhubaneswar

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

In this paper, we explore the complex entanglements between ongoing land conflicts and climate shocks, and their implications for risk governance paths and evolution. We focus on ways in which concepts of shock and conflict can be incorporated into social–ecological systems thinking and applied to risk governance practice in a southern cities context.

Bioeconomy—A Systematic Literature Review on Spatial Aspects and a Call for a New Research Agenda

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Over the last 10 to 15 years, bioeconomy (BE) has evolved to a widely accepted alternative to the dominant use of finite raw materials around the globe. One of the essential prerequisites for the sustainable implementation of this future-oriented economic system is the consideration of spatial framework conditions. This review assesses whether spatial aspects are addressed in the scientific discourse on the bioeconomy. Between 2010 to 2021, 8812 articles were published dealing with the thematic field of bioeconomy.

Land Use Conflicts Assessment in Xiamen, China under Multiple Scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

The accelerated urbanization process has resulted in increasingly prominent conflicts in land resource utilization and caused numerous ecological and environmental issues. Simulating the evolutionary patterns of land use conflicts (LUCs) is the foundation for promoting sustainable land use. The Markov and GeoSOS-FLUS models were used to predict the land use patterns under three different development scenarios, and to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of LUCs in Xiamen, China in 2030.

Spatial and Temporal Interaction Coupling of Digital Economy, New-Type Urbanization and Land Ecology and Spatial Effects Identification: A Study of the Yangtze River Delta

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

In the digital era, the contradiction between regional urban development and land ecological protection is still prominent. Clarifying the relationship and internal interaction logic among digital economy (DE), new-type urbanization (NU), and land ecology (LE) is of great significance to the region’s sustainable development. Based on theoretical analysis, this study examines the relationship among DE, NU, and LE in the Yangtze River Delta through spatial analysis and empirical test with the city data from 2011 to 2020.

Assessing Land-Use Conflict Potential and Its Correlation with LULC Based on the Perspective of Multi-Functionality and Landscape Complexity: The Case of Chengdu, China

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

The rapid development of megacities has greatly impacted land use in the urban–rural fringe area. The Western Protected Area defined by Chengdu’s Master Plan (2016–2035) to end the unrestrained urban sprawl, where locates the most superior agricultural and ecological resources, namely Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Essence Irrigation District, is facing great challenges when implementing protective strategies, related to huge land use competition caused by land multi-functionality.

An Extended Unit Restriction Model with Environmental Considerations for Forest Harvesting

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

This paper addresses a forest harvesting problem with adjacency constraints, including additional environmental constraints to protect wildlife habitats and minimize infrastructure deployment costs. To this end, we propose an integer programming model to include those considerations during the optimization of the harvest regime of a Mexican forest. The model considered was based on the Unit Restriction Model, a benchmark approach that merges the management units before the optimization process.

Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Responses of Gymnocarpos przewalskii to Simulated Rainfall Changes

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Gymnocarpos przewalskii is a rare Tertiary relict species, mainly distributed in desert areas of northwestern China. Changes in rainfall have a significant impact on the physiological characteristics of desert plants. In the present study, the effects of five simulated rainfall levels on the gas exchange parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, and antioxidant system of G. przewalskii were studied. The results show that with increased rainfall the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate increase significantly.

Identifying a Period of Spatial Land Use Conflicts and Their Driving Forces in the Pearl River Delta

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2022

Spatial land use conflicts (SLUCs) are a critical issue worldwide due to the scarcity of land resources and diversified human demand. Despite many time-series studies of SLUCs, comprehensive research on SLUCs and their driving factors over a long period remain limited. This study was conducted in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, Guangdong Province, China. We constructed a landscape ecological risk assessment model to calculate annual SLUC values and analyze their spatiotemporal distribution over 30 years.