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Reports & Research
Octubre, 2018

Defenders of Indigenous land in Malaysia are targeted, singled out and face opposition from state authorities and private individuals when they speak up. These abuses have further disenfranchised Indigenous communities in Malaysia, marginalising them socially and harming them economically. The report examines the struggles human rights defenders of Indigenous peoples have endured as they have sought to claim their right to Indigenous lands, and the steps that should be taken by the government to ensure that they are given the protection they deserve.

Climate Change Adaptation and Conflict Prevention: Innovation and Sustainable Livestock Production in Nigeria and South Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018
South Africa

The interface between environment and conflict has gained traction in policy and security circles in recent times. Growing scholarly interest on the linkage stems from increasing awareness on the role climate change plays in precipitating resource contestations and conflict over depleting natural resources, particularly in poor regions. Such impacts sometimes result from secondary consequences of environmental decline and resources scarcity which give rise to stiff competitions over access to available resources.

Conflits fonciers et problématique de développement rural dans la sous-préfecture de Mongo, région du Guéra (Tchad

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2018

Located in the Guéra region in central Chad, the Mongo Sub-Prefecture is the scene of recurring conflicts related to the occupation and exploitation of the land. While the phenomenon is neither new nor specific to this part of the country, the scale it has taken in recent years makes it a worrying subject. This land conflicts are driven by a multitude of actors with traditional authorities, agricultural producers and the urban elite at the center.

Harvard's billion-dollar farmland fiasco

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2018

One of the world's major buyers of farmland is under fire for their involvement in land conflicts, environmental destruction and risky investments. A new report by GRAIN and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humano presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of Harvard University's controversial investments in global farmland.

The report finds that:

LANDac Annual Conference 2018: Conference Report

Conference Papers & Reports
Julio, 2018

The LANDac Conference 2018 looked at land governance through the lens of mobility. Land acquisitions trigger migration and yield other types of mobility such as capital, goods and ideas. Ensuing land claims raise new questions for land governance. So far, the discussion has focused on respecting land rights, informing local residents and offering fair compensation. The conference explored the question: Given the variety of mobility, what are good ways forward in land governance?

Basta de Asesinatos

Reports & Research
Julio, 2018
el presente informe forma parte del memorial de defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos. se trata de un proyecto unico, desarrollado por una coalicion internacional de organizaciones nacionales e internacionales de derechos humanos, con el objetivo de conmemorar a todas las personas defensoras de derechos humanos que fueron asesinadas desde la entrada en vigor en 1998 de la declaracion de las naciones unidas sobre las personas
defensoras de derechos humanos.

Perder la Vida por Defender la Tierra

Reports & Research
Julio, 2018

Entre el 6 y el 10 de agosto del presente año, 2018, se realizó la visita de una misión internacional a Guatemala integrada por miembros de la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC, por sus siglas en inglés), de la Alianza Mundial por la Participación Ciudadana (Civicus), de Frontline Defenders y por un reportero del periódico británico The Guardian. Asimismo, la Pastoral de la Tierra Nacional de la Conferencia Episcopal de Guatemala, y la Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos Guatemala (Udefegua) acompañaron a la misión.

Resilience for Sustainable Development in the Lake Chad Basin

Reports & Research
Julio, 2018

The humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) is among the most severe in the world, with more than 10 million people in urgent need of life-saving assistance and protection. As the crisis enters its ninth year, attacks by non-state armed groups remain frequent, and the violent conflict continues to fuel large-scale human suffering, including massive violations of human rights, especially for women and girls, who are often victims of abuse and sexual violence. Communities and individuals in the LCB, especially women, are accustomed to shocks and

Gestion et prévention des conflits fonciers au Sahel, quel rôle pour les collectivités locales ?

Reports & Research
Junio, 2018
África subsahariana

Date: 24 juillet 2018

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Réseau Désertification Sahel 

La situation actuelle des pays du Sahel est caractérisée par une forte croissance démographique et l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, ce qui conduit à une compétition accrue pour l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, provoquant des conflits entre les opérateurs ruraux.

¿A Qué Precio?

Reports & Research
Junio, 2018

El mundo es más peligroso que nunca para las personas defensoras de la tierra y del medio ambiente, y la agroindustria es el sector más vinculado a los asesinatos.

Nunca ha sido un momento más letal para defender la comunidad, el modo de vida o el medio ambiente.


Training Resources & Tools
Junio, 2018

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of international partners contributing to poverty alleviation and the Sustainable Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure, through the development and implementation of inclusive and gender-responsive land tools.