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Law amending the Tyrol Land Transaction Law 1996.

Europa occidental

The present Law introduces some amendments to the Tyrol Land Transaction Law 1996 (LGBl. No. 61). In particular, the Law amends, inter alia, article 6 concerning authorization requirements; article 18 laying down provisions relating to foreclosure auction proceedings; article 28 on Land Transfer Commission.

Amends: Tyrol Land Transaction Law 1996. (1996-07-03)

Presidential Decree No. 8855 validating the Regulation on the national tourist area “Avaza”.

Asia central

The President decrees to allocate area on the Eastern coast of the Caspian sea with defined administrative and territorial boundaries and with particular legal status with a view of creation of the national tourist area “Avaza”. Legal and natural persons shall operate in the aforesaid tourist area in accordance with contracts concluded with the authorized state institutions. Land on the territory of the national tourist area “Avaza” can be conceded to legal and natural persons of Turkmenistan in concession or lease and to foreign legal persons only in lease,.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 463 - Ley especial para la legalización de los derechos de propiedad, posesión y tenencia de la tierra en las zonas limítrofes delimitadas entre Honduras y El Salvador.

El Salvador
América central

El presente Decreto Legislativo decreta la Ley especial para la legalización de los derechos de propiedad, posesión y tenencia de la tierra en las zonas limítrofes delimitadas entre Honduras y El Salvador por la Sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia de 11 de septiembre de 1992, por medio de la cual cada parte se obligaba a respetar los derechos y libertades de los nacionales de los Estados que quedaron viviendo o tuvieren derechos en los territorios de uno u otro Estado, y que tiene por objeto establecer un régimen jurídico especial que permita ejecutar en forma ágil y expedita, d

Prince Edward Island Land Protection Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. L-5).

América Septentrional

The purpose of this Act is to provide for the regulation of property rights in Prince Edward Island, especially the amount of land that may be held by a person or corporation. Section 2 establishes the maximum land holdings, section 4 concerns land holdings by persons who are not resident in the Province. Section 6 is dedicated to land holding permits, their effects and requirements. Other provisions concern access to information (sect. 10), enforcement (sect. 12), offences (sect. 13) and investigation (sect. 15).

Land Transaction Law 2001.

Europa occidental

The purpose of the present Law is to safeguard the public interest on the occasion of the transfer of land or parts thereof, taking into account the need to comply with the principles of a sustainable protection of the environment, nature and landscape.

Foreigner's Land Acquisition Act.

República de Corea
Asia oriental

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe rules for land acquisition by foreigners within the territory of the Republic of Korea. “Foreigner” is defined in article 2. As far as corporations are concerned, substantially at least of the corporation shall be foreign so as to qualify as foreigner. Article 3 outline the principle of reciprocity, i.e.

Landholding Control Act (Cap. 8.02)


This Act concerns control of holding of interests in land in Montserrat by foreigners, i.e. a person other than a person who is deemed to belong to Montserrat under the provisions of section 2(2)(b) of the Immigration Act. The Act also provides for forfeiture of land and mortgages held by persons not belonging to Montserrat after commencement of the Act.

Administration of Estates by Consular Officers Act.


This Act grants powers within Montserrat to the Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of a State to administer the estate of a deceased person of such State. Such Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent shall immediately apply for, and shall be entitled to obtain from the Court, Letters of Administration of the property of the deceased person, limited in such manner and for such time as to the Court shall seem fit.

Chapter 2 of Title 57 of the Trust Territory Code - Land Ownership Generally.


This Chapter places restrictions on the holding of land by foreigners in the State of Chuuk. It prescribes that only citizens of the Trust Territory or corporations wholly owned by citizens of the Trust Territory may hold title to land in the Trust Territory provided that the right, title, or interest of non-citizens or their heirs or devisees, in lands in the Trust Territory held by such persons prior to a specified date shall be safeguarded.

Chapter 1 of Title 30 of the Code of Federated States of Micronesia- Federated States Development Bank.


This Act provides for the establishment of the Federated States of Micronesia Development Bank as a body corporate, defines its functions and powers and internal organization.The Bank shall be instrumental in: mobilizing additional financial resources for development; providing of loans for projects; technical assistance; and administration of trust funds and special funds. Foreign ownership of the Bank is prohibited because of the legal capacity of the Bank to acquire, own title to, dispose of, and otherwise deal in land and waters in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Act on the Right of Ownership and Use of Real Property.

Europa septentrional

This Act regulates the acquisition of the right to own or use real property in Iceland. It provides for the control of State organs of the purchase of titles in real property by foreigners. No one may acquire the right to own or use real property in Iceland, including fishing and hunting rights, water rights or other real property rights, whether by free assignation or enforcement measures, marriage, inheritance or deed of transfer, unless it is an individual who is domiciled in Iceland or is an Icelandic citizen.