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Community Participation in Decision Making Processes in Urban Planning: The Case of Kaunas

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2020

Participation in decisionmaking processes foreshadows enabling citizens communities nongovernmental organizations and other interested parties to influence the formulation of policies and laws affecting them The purpose of this study is not only to review Lithuanian legal documents but also to analyse recent processes in Kaunas city planning Kaunas city is undergoing various urban processes which do not always meet the needs of the community This study presents an analysis of the forms of community involvement in the urban planning processes and survey data on the effectiveness of community

Urban Acupuncture in Large Cities: Filtering Framework to Select Sensitive Urban Spots in Riyadh for Effective Urban Renewal

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2020
Saudi Arabia

New revitalization and regeneration strategies are currently taking place as a scheme for reassessing urban spaces This paper as a result navigates the theory of Urban Acupuncture UA as a quick and effective tool that can be adopted in large cities Using Riyadh city as a case study it discusses how this tool can be used to achieve maximum results with minimal effort in the most critical places Riyadh city is the capital of Saudi Arabia and is considered one of the fastestgrowing metropolitan cities in the Arab world Through time it has transformed into a city with leftover open spaces and a

Liveability Dimensions in New Town Developments: An Overview of Senri New Town and Purbachal New Town

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2020

Since the 1960s new town developments within large metropolises have been widely adopted to decongest the city centres especially in Asian cities This paper provides a brief account of the liveability dimensions of two new townships developed in large metropolitan areas Senri New Town in Osaka and Purbachal New Town in Dhaka The study primarily draws on master plans of the two developments to identify how the components of the plans reflect the physical social functional and safety dimensions of a proposed liveability framework The methodology combines a review of masters plans with scholar

Towards Elimination Of Corruption In The Land Sector: Incorporation Of Geospatial Technologies In Land Governance At The Local Level

Diciembre, 2020

Context and backgroundIn the wake of rapid urbanization and population growth, there is much contestation with the ownership and use of land globally, especially in Africa. It is widely acknowledged that the implementation of sustainable land governance is an antidote to tackling land-related conflicts (mostly as a result of multiple sales of land), engendered land access, among others. However, land governance in Ghana is challenged with inefficiencies and corruption being paramount amidst the implementation of other interventions.

To farm or not to farm: Understanding the determinants of youth livelihood aspirations in Vietnam

Diciembre, 2020

In the context of commercial agriculture in Vietnam, this study investigates rural youth livelihood aspirations through an analysis of young people’s value for family farming and an assessment of whether or not they foresee agriculture as their main occupation. Using an intra-household dataset of cassava farmers in Vietnam, the study shows that the majority of youth aspire to work in agriculture, which is contrary to the popular belief that young people are not interested in agriculture. We employ the framework of opportunity space and embedded aspirations to assess the

Plan Nacional de Suelo Urbano

Legislation & Policies
Noviembre, 2020

El presente Manual de Ejecución tiene por objetivo reglamentar los contenidos del Programa Nacional de Producción de Suelo, creado por Disposición Nº 1/2020 (DI-2020- 1-APN-SSPSYU#MDTYH), de fecha 18 de junio de 2020, de la Subsecretaría de Política de Suelo y Urbanismo del Ministerio de Desarrollo Territorial y Hábitat de la Nación. El Plan Nacional de Suelo Urbano (PNASU) constituye una política explícita para atender integralmente todas las instancias de carácter institucional que permitan mejorar las condiciones objetivas de acceso al suelo asequible y de buena calidad, y que garantice


Reports & Research
Octubre, 2020

Les inégalités foncières sont en pleine croissance dans la plupart des pays. Pire encore, les nouvelles mesures et analyses publiées dans le présent rapport de synthèse montrent qu’elles sont sensiblement plus élevées qu’annoncé précédemment. Cette tendance représente une menace directe pour les moyens de subsistance d’environ 2,5 milliards de personnes travaillant dans l’agriculture de petite échelle partout dans le monde.

Chinese Investment into Tissue-Culture Banana Plantations in Kachin State, Myanmar

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2020

In the last decade, Myanmar’s Kachin State has seen a boom in tissue-culture banana plantations driven by cross-border Chinese investors. This Case Study compiles field research and publicly available knowledge about the scale of the production and its economic, social and environmental consequences. The study provides a detailed snapshot of the investment model and key actors in Kachin State, the methods of land access, landscape outcomes, and experiences of plantation workers.


Reports & Research
Octubre, 2020

En la mayoría de los países, la desigualdad en materia de tierras está aumentando. Peor aún, las nuevas medidas y análisis publicados en este informe de síntesis muestran que la desigualdad de la tierra es significativamente mayor a la que se había informado anteriormente. Esta tendencia amenaza directamente los medios de vida de unas 2 500 millones de personas en todo el mundo que se dedican a la agricultura de pequeña escala.

Bulletin Nyéléni N° 41

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2020

La terre a toujours été un bien très contesté. Le contrôle des terres et des ressources liées reflète les relations de pouvoir d’une région, d’un pays et constitue un indicateur des injustices sociales existantes. En même temps, ces ressources sont centrales dans la question des droits, des moyens d’existence et de l’identité de petits producteurs alimentaires. Depuis le début, elles ont été au cœur du mouvement pour la souveraineté alimentaire. Ce numéro de la Nyéléni Newsletter est la seconde édition de cette année consacrée au thème de la terre.

Gender Equality in Ownership of Agricultural Land in Rural Tanzania: Does Matrilineal Tenure System Matter?

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2020

Gender gap in ownership of agricultural land is still wide in many developing countries, mainly in favour of men. In some of these countries, both patrilineal and matrilineal systems are practised and recognized by governments. Tanzania is one of the countries in which both systems are practised. This paper explores the extent of gender equality in ownership of agricultural land in Kisarawe and Mkuranga districts which are typical rural agricultural settings and mainly matrilineal societies in Tanzania. It also attempts to examine women’s benefits from agricultural activities.

Gobernanza de la Tierra y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable en Argentina

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2020

El presente informe fue construido de manera conjunta por las Iniciativas “ODS y Tierra”, “ENI Argentina” y “Land Matrix”. Su objetivo es realizar contribuciones al Estado y a la sociedad en general, para mejorar la implementación de los ODS y sus Metas relacionadas a la Tierra en la República Argentina. Para tal fin, se utilizaron datos extraídos del documento “Trayectoria de las Metas de Tierra de los ODS en Argentina”, estudio encargado por la ENI Argentina a la consultora Dra.