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Customary Land Tribunal Act (Cap. 271)


The object of this Act is to provide for a system based on custom to resolve disputes about customary land. This Act provides for the establishment of land tribunals to resolve disputes about customary land and prescribes the procedures to be followed by those land tribunals in resolving such disputes and rules of appeal for parties who are dissatisfied with decisions of land tribunals. Part 2 sets out how a village land tribunal is to resolve a customary land dispute. A village land tribunal can be a single or joint village land tribunal depending on where the land in dispute is situated.

Freehold Titles Act (Cap. 233).


This Act provides for matters relating to the right to occupy, use and enjoy land under a freehold title by indigenous people. Any indigenous citizen who is the proprietor of an unconditional head-lease registered under the Land Leases Act may apply to the Minister for the grant of freehold title to the land of which he is proprietor.

Easements Replacement Law.

Europa occidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the transfer, regulation and securing of rights of timber and forestry production, as well as to rights of pasture regulated by the RGBl. No. 130/1853. The text consists of 48 articles divided into 2 Parts. The first Part is composed of 5 chapters as follows: Transfer and new regulations, general provisions (1); Transfer by ceasing ground and soil (2); Transfer by money (3); New rules (4); Securing of newl usufruct rights (5). The second Part deals with official authorities and proceedings.

Foreshore and Land Reclamation (Amendment) Act 2005 (No. 7 of 2005).


This Act amends the Foreshore and Land Reclamation Ordinance, Cap 35 in section 2 by adding definitions and in section 3 with respect to compensation by licence holders to landowners.This amendment is introduced so as to strengthen the recognition of customary rights over the foreshore of lands. Private rights over land expressly include customary rights to the exclusive use of the foreshore of Mauritius lands. Landowners are granted certain rights with respect to the granting of licences for the extraction of materials from the foreshore.

Law on the official valuation of land and security right (Valuation and Security Right Law).

Europa occidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the official land valuation and security right over real property. Article 1 establishes that the Executive Council shall elect for the constitutional term of four years a Valuation Commission. The text consists of 25 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: Official valuation (I); Security right over real property (II); Final provisions (III).

Implemented by: Ordinance on land valuation fees. (2012-03-15)

Ley Nº 46 - Ley de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos.

América del Sur

La presente Ley de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos, tiene como objetivos fundamentales: garantizar el ejercicio de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos; incorporar en el contexto del desarrollo económico, social, cultural y político, el reconocimiento pleno a los afroecuatorianos, para lograr la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades; reconocer los derechos que tienen los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos sobre las tierras ancestrales, las prácticas tradicionales de salud, producción y la propiedad colectiva e intelectual; y estable

Ley Nº 28.736 - Ley para la protección de pueblos indígenas u originarios en situación de aislamiento y en situación de contacto inicial.

América del Sur

La presente Ley para la protección de pueblos indígenas u originarios en situación de aislamiento y en situación de contacto inicial, tiene por objeto establecer el régimen especial transectorial de protección de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía Peruana que se encuentren en situación de aislamiento o en situación de contacto inicial, garantizando en particular sus derechos a la vida y a la salud salvaguardando su existencia e integridad.Para los efectos de la presente Ley, se reconoce a un grupo humano la categoría de Pueblo Indígena en situación de aislamiento o en situ

Ley Nº 28.685 - Ley que regula la declaración del abandono legal de las tierras de las comunidades campesinas de la costa.

América del Sur

La presente Ley regula la declaración del abandono legal de las tierras de las comunidades campesinas de la costa, ocupadas por asentamientos humanos y otras posesiones informales.

Implementado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 016-2006-AG ─ Reglamento de la Ley Nº 28685, que regula la declaración del abandono legal de las tierras de las comunidades campesinas de la costa. (2006-04-04)
Enmienda: Ley Nº 26845 - Ley de titulación de tierras de las comunidades campesinas de la costa. (1997-07-23)

Act No. 85 of 2005 relating to legal relations and management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark (Finnmark Act)

Europa septentrional

This Act provides for the management of land and natural resources in the county of Finnmark. This shall be done in a balanced and ecologically sustainable manner for the benefit of the residents of the county and particularly as so as to enhance Sami culture, reindeer husbandry, use of non-cultivated areas, commercial activity and social life. The Act shall apply to real property and watercourses with natural resources in the county of Finnmark. On the shoreline, the Act shall apply as far out to sea as private right of ownership extends.

Loi organique nº 8-2005 portant régime foncier au Rwanda.

África oriental

La présente loi porte régime foncier au Rwanda. Elle est formée par 88 articles répartis en 7 chapitres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Catégorie des terres (II); Gestion, aménagement et utilisation des terres (III); Droits et obligations des titulaires de droits fonciers (IV); Prescription (V); Dispositions pénales (VI) et Dispositions transitoires et finales (VII). L'Etat dispose d'un droit éminent de gestion de l'ensemble des terres et est le seul habilité à accorder les droits d'occupation et d'usage de la terre.

Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007.


This Act provides for measures to improve the well-being of certain communities in the Northern Territory. The Act also concerns, among other things, the grant of leases by the Commonwealth, acquisition of rights, titles and interests in land by the Commonwealth, vesting rights, titles and interests in land in the Commonwealth and registration of dealings with land done by force of this Act. The Act makes consequential amendments to the Native Title Act, the Special Purposes Leases Act and the Crown Lands Act.