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The Role of Inequality in Climate-Poverty Debates

Junio, 2016

There is no doubt that the poorest
people are already and will continue to be most severely
impacted by climatic changes, including shifting trends as
well as more frequent and severe extreme events. Yet, new
insights on the dynamics and distribution of poverty point
to the need to comprehend where the poor and poorest are,
how they are poor, and why their poverty constrains their
abilities to cope with and adapt to occurring and predicted

India Land Governance Assessment

Junio, 2016

As India continues to urbanize and move
towards a less agricultural- and more industry-based
economy, land demands will continue to grow. Its urban
population is expected to increase by more than 200 million
by 2030, requiring 4 to 8 million hectares of land for
residential use alone. Demands for infrastructure and
industry could add a similar amount, summing to total land
demand of 5 to10 percent of the land area currently used for

Statement at Habitat III Informal Hearing with Stakeholders, June, 2016

Reports & Research
Junio, 2016

Statement proffered at Habitat III Informal Hearing with Stakeholders Panel 4 Effective Implementation, June 7th 2016, by Maria Luisa Alvarado, representing Habitat for Humanity International Latin America and the Caribbean region, and speaking as a member of the Civil Society Organization Partner Constituent Group of the General Assembly of Partners.

Coastal Management Act 2016.

Junio, 2016

The objects of this Act are to manage the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic well-being of the people of the State, and in particular: (a) to protect and enhance natural coastal processes and coastal environmental values including natural character, scenic value, biological diversity and ecosystem integrity and resilience, and (b) to support the social and cultural values of the coastal zone and maintain public access, amenity, use and safety, and (c) to acknowledge A

Regenerating Urban Land

Junio, 2016

Regenerating Urban Land draws on the experience of eight case studies from around the world. The case studies outline various policy and financial instruments to attract private sector investment in urban regeneration of underutilized and unutilized areas and the requisite infrastructure improvements. In particular, each case study details the project cycle, from the scoping phase and determination of the initial amount of public sector investment, to implementation and subsequent leveraged private-sector funds.

Resolución Nº 137-2016-MINAM ─ Actualiza métodos de ensayo para el análisis de los parámetros de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo.

Junio, 2016

La presente Resolución actualiza los métodos de ensayo para el análisis de los parámetros de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo, con la finalidad de alcanzar una mayor precisión y exactitud de los resultados.

Enmienda: Decreto Supremo Nº 002-2013-MINAM ─ Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo. (2013-03-24)

Dynamics of Rural Growth in Bangladesh

Mayo, 2016

The rural economy in Bangladesh has been
a powerful source of economic growth and has substantially
reduced poverty, especially since 2000, but the remarkable
transformation and unprecedented dynamism in rural
Bangladesh are an underexplored, underappreciated, and
largely untold story. The analysis identifies the key
changes occurring in the rural economy, the principal
drivers of rural incomes, the implications for policy, and

Restauration des terres: Action contre la désertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2016
Burkina Faso

En 2016, Action contre la désertification se prépare à restaurer 10 000 hectares de terres et à planter des espèces d'arbres, d'arbustes et de graminées locales et bien adaptées localement dans six pays africains - le Burkina Faso, l'Éthiopie, la Gambie, le Niger, le Nigeria et le Sénégal.

Metodologia de Estudo dos Impactos dos MegaProjectos

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2016

Nas últimas décadas, tem-se verificado uma crescente procura de recursos energéticos, minerais e terra. No que respeita à terra (e água), o objectivo principal da procura é a produção de commodities e alimentos (sobretudo grãos), com sistemas de produção em grande escala de monoculturas, sob formas de subcontratação e pela acção de traders para abastecer o mercado internacional, em especial as grandes economias emergentes (“economias baleia”, assim designadas por consumirem muito – China e Índia).

Improving Sustainability of Land Administration through Decentralized Service Provision

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2016

Recognizing that the impressive gains from comprehensive land tenure regularization may be short-lived if subsequent transactions are not registered, Rwanda has deployed close to 400 Sector Land Managers (SLMs) throughout the country. Regressions using LAIS data highlight that posting of SLMs increased levels of registered sales but not inheritance transactions and that, for agricultural land, having an SLM taken refresher training almost doubled this effect. A survey of all SLMs in April 2016 suggests that they are fully functional and in close contact with DLOs.