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Enero 2018

Dispõe sobre a regularização fundiária rural e urbana, sobre a liquidação de créditos concedidos aos assentados da reforma agrária e sobre a regularização fundiária no ¢mbito da Amazônia Legal, instituí mecanismos para aprimorar a eficiência dos procedimentos de alienação de imóveis da União, e dá outras providências. O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no uso da atribuição que lhe confere o art.

Informes e investigaciones
Enero 2018

This paper contributes to an emerging literature on free land arrangements in developing countries. We argue that in-depth empirical analysis is crucial to understand the specific terms of land arrangements.

Informes e investigaciones
Enero 2018

This paper uses data collected in Thailand among permanent rural-urban migrants to analyse the motivations in land temporary transfers such as free loans or rentals.

Informes e investigaciones
Diciembre 2017

This chapter is written for the European Commission for a book to be published by Springer on The Role of Smallholder Farms in Food and Nutrition Security. The author takes full responsibility for the content.

Diciembre 2017

The subject of the paper is the change trends in the trade in undeveloped land and real properties designated for agricultural and forestry purposes in Poland with respect to the value and surface area of real properties sold.

Informes e investigaciones
Diciembre 2017

The paper utilizes household panel data to investigate whether the land rental market can facilitate improved access to land for land-poor tenant households over time and thereby facilitate expansion of their farming activity.

Manual y guías
Diciembre 2017

This guide is primarily intended for private equity and real asset investors seeking to improve the risk profile of their portfolios and maximise their returns by investing in companies that manage their supply chains effectively. It provides information on what to look for and on how to engage with companies on E&S risks in supply chains.

Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management Republic of Armenia
Informes e investigaciones
Diciembre 2017

This Country Profile (CP) of the Republic of Armenia is the nineteenth in the series and the second review done for the country. The first was prepared in 2004 and the analyses covered only the housing sector. This CP is an in-depth analyses of the housing, urban development and land management sectors of the Republic of Armenia.

Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia
Publicación revisada por pares
Noviembre 2017

We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015). Based on a theoretical model of land acquisition by a heterogeneous farming population, different hypotheses are developed and empirically tested.

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