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Land reform for poverty redcution? social exclusion and farm workers in Zimbabwe

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

This paper represents a provisional attempt to assess whether Zimbabwe’s land reform coherently addresses the issue of poverty reduction. It examines the short-term outcome(s) of the reform programme in relation to its initial objectives. More specifically, it examines its impact on farm-workers.

Gender and sustainable development in drylands: an analysis of field experiences

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
Burkina Faso
Asia occidental
África subsahariana
África septentrional
Asia oriental
Asia meridional

With an estimated 40 percent of people in Africa, South America and Asia living in drylands, land degradation poses a significant threat to food security and survival. This report looks at the relationship between gender and dryland management based on an analysis of field experiences in Africa and Asia.

The dualities of contemporary Zimbabwean politics: constitutionalism versus the law of power and the land, 1999-2002

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

This paper explores the dualities in the coexistence within Zimbabwean politics of constitutionalism and legality versus a complex combination of paralegal, supralegal, oppressive and brutal political action, especially as this pertains to elections and land. The analysis is set in the period 1999-2002.

Child farm labor: the wealth paradox

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002

This paper is motivated by the observation that children in land-rich households are often more likely to be in work than the children of land-poor households.The vast majority of working children in developing countries are in agricultural work, predominantly on farms operated by their families.

Investment in land, tenure security and area farmed in northern Mozambique

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

The analysis of land investment and tenure security usually assumes land scarcity. However, some developing countries have communities with land abundance. This article therefore examines the effects of land abundance for investment and tenure security. The author finds that in contrast to the literature, area farmed is a determinant of investment and tenure security.

Double standards: women's property rights violations in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

This report recounts the experiences of 130 women from various regions, ethnic groups, religions, and social classes in Kenya who have had their property rights flouted because they are women.The report presents evidence that women are excluded from inheriting, evicted from their lands and homes by in-laws, stripped of their possessions, and forced to engage in risky sexual practices in order t

Report of the FAO/OXFAM GB workshop on women's land rights in Southern and Eastern Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

This document reports on a workshop held in South Africa in June 2003 to address continuing insecurity of women's land rights. It brought together a broad group of participants covering NGO, grassroots, government, UN agency staff, researchers, activists, lawyers, and women living with HIV/AIDS.

Nepal: breaking new ground: leasehold forestry in Nepal: hills leasehold forestry and forage development project

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
Asia meridional

This document presents the results of an evaluation of an IFAD project aimed at preventing land degradation in Nepal. The project is based on leasehold forestry, an innovative approach introduced by IFAD in the early 1990s. It works by providing forty-year leases to groups of households and giving them user rights over plots of degraded forest land.

Land tenure in the Highlands of Eritrea: economic theory and empirical evidence

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

This PhD study focuses on the land tenure systems in the highlands of Eritrea with a particular emphasis on land rental markets, land contract choice, and on the implications of land tenure systems for farm household’s resource allocation behaviour and efficiency outcomes.The author hopes that the theoretical and empirical analysis of these issues will also contribute to the debate on land tenu

Land liberalisation in Africa: inflicting collateral damage on women?

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2002
África subsahariana

Is the World Bank’s approach to land relations gender insensitive? Is it realistic to pin poverty reduction aspirations on the promotion of credit markets and reliance on women’s unpaid labour? Does the acquisition of secure tenure rights necessarily benefit poor women? How should advocates of women’s rights in Africa respond to the Bank’s land agenda?