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Housing Policy in Developing Countries : Conjectures and Refutations

Diciembre, 2013

This housing policy in developing
countries, conjectures and refutations article discusses
housing policy in developing economies. It examines recent
research findings in light of earlier arguments as to the
benefits of more market-oriented approaches. It also looks
at whether the recommendations of earlier work have been
refuted or developed in subsequent analyses and policy
measures. In particular, it reviews the empirical analysis

Urbanization in Developing Countries

Diciembre, 2013

The rapid urbanization in many
developing countries over the past half century seems to
have been accompanied by excessively high levels of
concentration of the urban population in very large cities.
Some degree of urban concentration may be desirable
initially to reduce inter- and intraregional infrastructure
expenditures. But in a mature system of cities, economic
activity is more spread out. Standardized manufacturing

Ahmedabad : More but Different Government for “Slum Free” and Livable Cities

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2013

This paper analyzes real estate market dynamics over the past decade in the city of Ahmedabad, India, with a view to improving the living conditions of the large population living in slums. The paper combines census data, the National Sample Survey, and slum household surveys to review the demand side of the market. Satellite photography was used to estimate the production of both formal and informal housing over the past ten years. Analysis of the execution of the development plan for the Ahmedabad region and town planning schemes shows how the system of housing supply has evolved.

Land privatization in urban Mongolia: an observation

Peer-reviewed publication
Noviembre, 2013

The land privatization process in Mongolia mainly concerns residential land. The process is considered to perform slowly. The deadline for free allocation of residential land was extended from 2005 to 2013. Still, the number of families that have acquired private landownership during that period is low. This paper aims to take a closer look at the operational process in Ulaanbaatar. The paper finds that, when citizens apply, in a majority of cases the legal deadline to be granted a land-ownership right is actually met.

Converting Land into Affordable Housing Floor Space

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2013

Cities emerge from the spatial concentration of people and economic activities. But spatial concentration is not enough; the economic viability of cities depends on people, ideas, and goods to move rapidly across the urban area. This constant movement within dense cities creates wealth but also various degrees of unpleasantness and misery that economists call negative externalities, such as congestion, pollution, and environmental degradation.

Urbanization and (In)Formalization

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2013

Inexorable urbanization and formalization have been the expectations in development discourse. Indeed, measures of urbanization and formalization have been provided and used as indicators of development. But while urbanization has proceeded apace in developing countries, formalization has slowed significantly over the past quarter century. These disconnect raises questions for development analysis and development policy. Why did one expect urbanization and formalization to go together in the first place?

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway Project and Urban/Rural Manufacturing in India

Noviembre, 2013

This study investigates the impact of the Golden Quadrilateral highway project on the urban and rural growth of Indian manufacturing. The Golden Quadrilateral project upgraded the quality and width of 5,846 km of roads in India. The study uses a difference-in-difference estimation strategy to compare non-nodal districts based on their distance from the highway system. For the organized portion of the manufacturing sector, the Golden Quadrilateral project led to improvements in both urban and rural areas of non-nodal districts located 0-10 km from the Golden Quadrilateral.

Urban Agriculture : Findings from Four City Case Studies

Noviembre, 2013

Urban agriculture contributes to local
economic development, poverty alleviation, the social
inclusion of the urban poor and women, as well as to the
greening of the city and the productive reuse of urban
wastes. Urban agriculture encompasses a wide variety of
production systems in both urban as well as peri-urban
areas. This study examines the contribution of urban
agriculture to livelihoods, food security, health, and the

Jóvenes en Los Andes

Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2013

Este artículo mereció el primer premio en el Concurso “Juventudes Rurales, Situación y Desafíos” del año 2013. Su autor describe y analiza la participación de los jóvenes en la esfera política de las zonas rurales andinas de Bolivia y Perú, vinculando esa vivencia con las lógicas comunitarias tradicionales y las prácticas modernas. Asimismo muestra el apoyo  que brindan los jóvenes a sus ayllus para el desarrollo comunitario. 
Jóvenes en Los Andes
*Saúl Flores Calderón 

Indonesia : Urban Poverty and Program Review

Policy Papers & Briefs
Octubre, 2013

This policy note provides a summary of
extensive analysis carried out on urban poverty in Indonesia
today and a review of main urban poverty programs, with the
objective of providing the basis for an urban poverty
reduction strategy. A second policy note, 'Indonesia:
evaluation of the urban Community-Driven Development, or CDD
program, Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
(PNPM)' summarizes a more detailed process evaluation

Inclusion Matters : The Foundation for Shared Prosperity

Octubre, 2013

Today, the world is at a conjuncture where issues of exclusion and inclusion are assuming new significance for both developed and developing countries. The imperative for social inclusion has blurred the distinction between these two stylized poles of development. Countries that used to be referred to as developed are grappling with issues of exclusion and inclusion perhaps more intensely today than they did a decade ago. And countries previously called developing are grappling with both old issues and new forms of exclusion thrown up by growth.

Urban Panning, Land Use Regulation, and Relocation

Octubre, 2013

Reconstruction should include a range of
measures to enhance safety: disaster prevention facilities,
relocation of communities to higher ground, and evacuation
facilities. A community should not, however, rely too
heavily on any one of these as being sufficient, because the
next tsunami could be even larger than the last. Communities
also need to rebuild their industries and create jobs to
keep their residents from moving away. The challenge is to