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A proposition to solve the land cadaster system in Brazil: the role of CNIR and a new institutionalization

Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Brazil has, on the one hand, strong institutions in various areas, improved social situation and, on the other, the rural land situation is still very precarious, with basic unresolved questions, such as for example, knowledge of what is public and private land, due to the absence of cadaster. The legislation moved forward in an attempt to link the cadasters of INCRA, the Internal Revenue Service, with information from the Registry of Real Estate with the enactment of Law No. 10,267 / 2001, creating the National Register of Rural Properties – CNIR.

Regional Law No. 36-GD “On apiculture”.

Febrero, 2016

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to set forth the conditions for the breeding, keeping and protection of bees, and also for protecting legal rights and interests of natural and legal persons carrying out apiculture. State support to apiculture shall be granted in accordance with regional programmes related to state support of agricultural activity.

Regional Law 866-OZ amending Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Febrero, 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Leaseholder of a plot of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal ownership shall have the right of purchase of such plot of land in ownership on condition of proper use of such plot of land upon expiry of three-year period from the date of conclusion of lease contract set forth as percentage related to cadastre value and depending upon expiry of lease periods”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”. (2015-03-18)

Reforma agrară: concept şi realităţi

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015

The study "Land reform: concept and achievements" the authors Simion Certan and Ion Certan meditate on achieving conception of agrarian reform and social - economic development of the village in Moldova, approved on 15 February 1991 in the Parliament Decision no. 510-a-XII. According to The concept Moldovan government was suposed to make the "land reform, management reform and economic relations agroindustrial complex, providing material, technical and scientific assistance and staffing agro-industrial complex, will help develop social-economic development of the village".

Convergence under pressure

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2015

All four countries in continental South-East Asia featured in this paper (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) are experiencing land conflicts that could potentially destabilise their governments.1 Thailand is in a similar situation in many respects, as it has faced mounting tensions over land tenure since the 1990s (Hall et al., 2011). These conflicts are escalating, sometimes violent, and are attracting more and more attention from the media. They have mobilized numerous local and international NGOs, and often triggered the development of an increasingly visible national civil society.

The exclusion of urban poor communities from systematic land registration in Phnom Penh

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2015

This study explores the reasons behind the government’s exclusion of many Phnom Penh urban poor communities (UPCs) from the Systematic Land Registration (SLR) process, and the impact of this on affected households, particularly women and children. The study was conducted in 12 UPCs that had been excluded from the SLR process in six khans where SLR had been completed or was well under way. Data collection methods included interviews with 60 households from excluded UPCs, as well as village chiefs, community representatives, government officials, and NGO members.

One Woman, One Hectare of Land CGE Report; Rural Development & Land Reform Budget Review & Recommendations Report

Legislation & Policies
Octubre, 2015

The Commission for Gender Equality presented on its proposed campaign called One Woman, One Hectare of Land’. The campaign aims to mainstream gender equality, for it was proposed that the State should allocate one hectare of land, for the growing of food, to the poorest rural female-run households. It was believed that this would help alleviate poverty and empower rural women. It was pointed out that where women had land, their families generally were better nourished, better educated and able to move on.

Ingonyama Trust Board & Commission on Restitution of Land Rights 1st Quarter 2015/16 performance; Committee Oversight Reports

Legislation & Policies
Septiembre, 2015

The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (the Commission) presented its expenditure trends and financial and performance report for the 1st quarter of the 2015/16 financial year. The performance was fully described by noting the achievements and the targets. In the first quarter, there was a target to settle 92 land claims but the Commission settled 38. 57 land claims were finalised against a quarterly target of 74. Eight projects were approved, against a quarterly target of 12. From the 1998 land claims, 195 land claims were researched compared to the quarterly target of 532.

Food Security and Land Governance Factsheet Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2015

In Kenya, insecure land tenure and inequitable access to land, forest and water resources have contributed to conflict and violence, which has in turn exacerbated food insecurity. To address these interlinked problems, a new set of laws and policies on food security and land governance are currently being introduced or designed by the Government of Kenya. The new Food Security Bill explicitly recognizes the link between food security and land access, and the 2012 land laws target the corrupt system of land administration that made much of Kenya’s land grabbing possible.

Building Farmer Cooperatives In Georgia

Reports & Research
Julio, 2015

Smallholder farmers in Georgia face multiple challenges, including low productivity and poor access to the inputs and capacities that they need. Oxfam and its partners are implementing a programme that aims to increase agricultural productivity and support the competitiveness of smallholder farmers. The project works with smallholder farmers to establish and strengthen business-oriented farmer groups. The project also promotes changes to national policy and legislation, in order to create a more conducive environment for their development.