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Displaying 625 - 636 of 1733

Population Pressures, Migration, and the Returns to Human Capital and Land : Insights from Indonesia

Marzo, 2014

Rapid population growth in many
developing countries has raised concerns regarding food
security and household welfare. To understand the
consequences of population growth in a general equilibrium
setting, this paper examines the dynamics of population
density and its impacts on household outcomes. The analysis
uses panel data from Indonesia combined with district-level
demographic data. Historically, Indonesia has adapted to

Decomposition of Gender Differentials in Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia

Marzo, 2014

This paper employs decomposition methods
to analyze differences in agricultural productivity between
male and female land managers in Ethiopia. It employs data
from the 2011-2012 Ethiopian Rural Socioeconomic Survey. An
overall 23.4 percent gender differential in agricultural
productivity is estimated at the mean in favor of male land
managers, of which 10.1 percentage points are explained by
differences in land manager characteristics, land

Wage Growth, Landholding, and Mechanization in Agriculture : Evidence from Indonesia

Marzo, 2014

This paper uses farm panel data from
Indonesia to examine dynamic patterns of land use, capital
investments, and wages in agriculture. The empirical
analysis shows that an increase in real wages has induced
the substitution of labor by machines among relatively large
farmers. Large farmers tend to increase the scale of
operation by renting in more land when real wages increase.
Machines and land are complementary if the scale of

The Nexus between Gender, Collective Action for Public Goods, and Agriculture : Evidence from Malawi

Marzo, 2014

Across the developing world, public
goods exert significant impacts on the local rural economy
in general and agricultural productivity and welfare
outcomes in particular. Economic and social-cultural
heterogeneity have, however, long been documented as
detrimental to collective capacity to provide public goods.
In particular, women are often under-represented in local
leadership and decision-making processes, as are young

Agriculture for Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean : From Quantity to Quality

Marzo, 2014

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
region has been in many ways successful in increasing
agriculture production and competitiveness, as well as
tackling nutrition. Mainstreaming nutrition considerations
into agriculture operations can increase the availability of
and access to nutritious food, which can improve the
nutrition status of individuals. The challenge is how to
bridge the gap that exists in region between being an

Living without Sanitary Sewers in Latin America : The Business of Collecting Fecal Sludge in Four Latin American Cities

Marzo, 2014

The present report spotlights the major
challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead in fecal
sludge management and summarizes the findings from four case
studies that describe the current and potential market for
sludge removal, collection, and disposal in peri-urban
areas. These areas, inhabited by a variety of ethnic,
religious, and cultural groups, typically struggle with high
population density, insufficient land use planning, high

Energy Access and Productive Uses for the Urban Poor : Final Report on Ghana Scoping Study

Marzo, 2014

The aim of the scoping study was to gain
an understanding of the productive activities slum dwellers
engage in that rely on energy services and the potentials
and challenges of slums in Ghana regarding access to modern
energy services and income generation from productive
activities. The objective of the ESMED-EAfUP (Energy Sector
Management Assistance Program - ESMAP/SME Development -
Energy Access for the Urban Poor) programme is 'to

A Review of Institutional Arrangements for Road Asset Management : Lessons for the Developing World

Marzo, 2014

The type of institutional arrangement
for managing roads adopted by a country depends on the
objectives and performance that it sets for its road
networks. This paper reviews such arrangements for selected
countries; China, Brazil, Slovenia, New Zealand, United
Kingdom, and the Slovak Republic. These countries have
adopted different approaches in several dimensions, such as
decentralization, sources of financing, management

Brazil - Improving the Appraisal Framework for Road Transport Infrastructure Investments : Elements for Consideration

Marzo, 2014

The main purpose of an appraisal
framework for transport infrastructure projects and programs
is to provide an objective and transparent basis for
decision-makers to ascertain the feasibility and levels of
priority of major transport projects and policies. An
appraisal framework also serves a second, more general,
purpose: to contribute to upgrading internal management
processes aimed at improving the quality of expenditure. An

Restoring Balance : Bangladesh's Rural Energy Realities

Marzo, 2014

This study, the first to concentrate on
Bangladesh's energy systems and their effects on the
lives of rural people, drew on these background studies, as
well as other World Bank-financed research on IAP and rural
infrastructure, to present a rural energy strategy for the
country. The study's broad aim was to identify ways to
improve the living standard in rural Bangladesh through
better and more efficient use of energy, while creating an

Development of a Transport Module for Multi-topic Household Surveys

Marzo, 2014

This paper is aimed at providing
guidance on transport issues for those involved in designing
multi-topic household surveys such as the Living Standards
Measurement Studies (LSMS) surveys. The inclusion of a few
key questions can provide critical information for better
designing transport programs and policies aimed at improving
access, affordability and quality services. Questions on
transport access, quality, mode, distance, time, and cost

Gender, Time Use, and Change : The Impact of the Cut Flower Industry in Ecuador

Marzo, 2014

This article uses survey data from
Ecuador to examine the effects of women's employment on
the allocation of paid and unpaid labor within the
household. The reader compares a region with high demand for
female labor with a similar region in which demand for
female labor is low. The comparison suggests that market
labor opportunities for women have no effect on women's
total time in labor but increase men's time in unpaid