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Modeling the economywide effects of water and energy interventions in the face of climate change

Diciembre, 2022
United States of America

The Ethiopian economy relies predominantly on rainfed agriculture for income generation, export earnings, and rural livelihoods. However, the frequency and intensity of extreme ago-climatic events projected by climate scenarios suggest considerable and growing risks from climate change to the country’s agri-food systems and the overall economy. This study assesses the economic impacts of recurrent climate shocks on the Ethiopian economy to 2040.

End-user quality characteristics and preferences for cassava, yam and banana products in rural and urban areas - a review

Diciembre, 2022

The review attempted to evaluate the quality attributes and the preferred selected roots, tubers, and bananas (RTB) items (gari/eba, lafun, yam flour, pounded yam, boiled yam, and plantain flour) among the end-users in Nigeria’s rural, peri-urban, and urban segments. The results showed that depending on location, consumers’ preferred quality attributes of gari in the rural area are dry, bright/shiny, white, sweet, dense, fine, cooked aroma and sour/sweet gari.

Intensification of the maize-based farming: What happened to the maize green revolution?

Diciembre, 2022

Maize is the major food crop in eastern and southern Africa, including Kenya. Maize-based farming systems make up the largest proportion of agricultural land, and maize is central to the food system, in both rural and urban areas. Because of its importance, maize has received wide attention from the government, including in policy and research. As a result, Kenya has been at the forefront of the “maize green revolution” in Africa (Hassan and Karanja 1997; Hassan, Njoroge et al. 1998c).

Entrepreneurial potential and agribusiness desirability among youths in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Diciembre, 2022

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector remains for youth a key pillar for income creation. However, few are attracted by agribusiness despite stakeholders’ efforts toward engaging youth in agriculture. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial potential characteristics and youth desirability to start an enterprise in agriculture among 514 young people in Eastern DRC.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) disrupt food systems to deliver healthy diets to urban consumers: Twiga case study, Nairobi, Kenya

Diciembre, 2022

Micro Small and Medium-Enterprises (MSMEs) in many developing countries play an important role in the agri-food systems. They provide employment opportunities as well as source of foods for urban consumers. In Kenya, the MSMEs provide an interesting disruption in the rapidly growing traditional markets. Efficient sourcing of foodstuffs is one of the challenges faced by MSME food vendors in Nairobi. Traditionally small-scale food vendors travel by informal buses to wholesale wet markets several times a week to source limited volumes of fresh fruit and vegetables.

The association between food environment, diet quality and malnutrition in low‐ and middle‐income adult populations across the rural—Urban gradient in Vietnam

Diciembre, 2022

Background: Economic reforms and trade liberalisation in Vaietnm have transformed the food environment, influencing dietary patterns and malnutrition status. The present study focuses on the relationship between food environments (proximity and density of food outlets) and malnutrition (underweight, overweight, obesity) through diet quality in adult populations across urban, periurban and rural areas of Vietnam.

Shamba showdown ukama ustawi progress report

Diciembre, 2022

The Shamba Showdown project emerges in response to a critical, yet under-addressed issue in Kenya's agriculture sector: the aging farmer population and the disinterest of the youth in farming. Despite the fact that 85% of Kenya's food supply is domestically grown, primarily by smallholder farmers, there is a looming food crisis driven by the aging demographic of these farmers. The median age of Kenyan farmers is now over 60, and the younger generation, educated in urban areas, shows little inclination to return to rural farming.

A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation

Diciembre, 2022

Abstract An assessment of the global progress in climate change adaptation is urgently needed. Despite a rising awareness that adaptation should involve diverse societal actors and a shared sense of responsibility, little is known about the types of actors, such as state and non-state, and their roles in different types of adaptation responses as well as in different regions.

A Review of Evidence on Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment, and Food Systems

Diciembre, 2022

Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in food systems can result in greater food security and better nutrition, as well as more just, resilient and sustainable food systems for all. This chapter uses a scoping review to assess the current evidence on pathways between gender equality, women’s empowerment and food systems. The chapter uses an adaptation of the food system framework to organize the evidence and identify where evidence is strong, and where gaps remain.

Adaptation for changing deltas

Diciembre, 2022

Deltas have provided fertile farmland, productive fishing, and access to trade routes for millennia. Today, more than five hundred million people live on deltas and coastal urban areas. Yet deltas are also incredibly vulnerable to the pressures of climate change. This Voices asks: what are the opportunities and barriers to adaptation for delta communities facing unprecedented change in the coming years?