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A Review of Evidence on Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment, and Food Systems

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in food systems can result in greater food security and better nutrition, as well as more just, resilient and sustainable food systems for all. This chapter uses a scoping review to assess the current evidence on pathways between gender equality, women’s empowerment and food systems.

Adaptation for changing deltas

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

Deltas have provided fertile farmland, productive fishing, and access to trade routes for millennia. Today, more than five hundred million people live on deltas and coastal urban areas. Yet deltas are also incredibly vulnerable to the pressures of climate change.

Plataforma de luta pelo direito a cidade

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2022
América do Sul

A Conferência Popular pelo Direito à Cidade é resultado deste novo momento das lutas urbanas. A adesão de mais de 600 movimentos populares, entidades, coletivos, grupos de direitos humanos e acadêmicos é prova de que algo novo está nascendo. Foram 230 eventos preparatórios em todo o país, reunindo milhares de pessoas.

Preservação patrimonial em áreas de urbanização dispersa: o caso de Teixeira de Freitas, Bahia, Brasil

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2022
América do Sul

A integração de práticas preservacionistas às políticas de desenvolvimento local constitui um grande desafio ao planejamento urbano, sobretudo em cidades médias e pequenas. O município de Teixeira de Freitas, situado  no  sul  do  estado  da  Bahia,  apresenta  um  acelerado  processo  de  crescimento  de  forma  dispersiva, fomentado sobretudo pela gestão municipal.

LAND-at-scale Somalia

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Somalia. This project is implemented by International Organization for Migration (IOM); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); UN-Habitat; Regional Coordination Office Somalia (RCO), and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Urban Planning, Institutional Pluralism, And Indigenous Belief Systems In Peri-Urban Ghana In The Era Of Land Commoditisation

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

Context and backgroundColonial legacy and the continuous implementation of neoliberal policies have led to the creation of institutional pluralism in the planning of customary land in peri-urban areas in Ghana. During land commoditisation, peri-urban customary land planning regularly involves physical planning authorities, traditional authorities, and private surveyors.

Zambia: Private Sector Investment In Security Of Land Tenure. From Piloting Using Technology To National Rollout

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

ABSTRACT Context and background Zambia has grappled with implementing the land titling from 2017 when it started the piloting of the National Land Titling Programme through the seventh National Development Plan (2017-2021). The implementation started in 2017 with a small pilot project conducted in Lusaka City in areas called Madido and Kamwala.

Informal Settlement And Development Control Dynamics In Tanzania: Case Of Osunyai Ward Arusha

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

Context and background Despite steps implemented by Local Government Authorities to guarantee appropriate urban land development, individuals in informal settlements are developing in violation of laws, rules, and norms. Millions of individuals have grabbed property and constructed temporary houses to gain a footing in cities, in violation of law and ownership rights.

Appraising agroecological urbanism: A vision for the future of sustainable cities

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

By the mid-century, urban areas are expected to house two-thirds of the world’s population of approximately 10 billion people. The key challenge will be to provide food for all with fewer farmers in rural areas and limited options for expanding cultivated fields in urban areas, with sustainable soil management being a fundamental criterion for achieving sustainability goals.

Climate change and women’s voice and agency beyond the household: Insights from India

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

Women’s Voice & Agency beyond the household (VABH) has increasingly been recognized as critical to strengthening resilience, increasing women’s access to important resources, improving women’s decision-making power, and facilitating broader social networks (Njuki et al. 2022).