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Преимущества городских деревьев

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2016

Большие деревья в городе являются превосходными фильтрами для загрязняющих веществ и мелкодисперсных частиц. Дерево способно поглощать до 150 кг CO2 в год и связывать углерод, играя свою роль в смягчении последствий изменения климата. Деревья являются местом обитания растений и животных, обеспечивая их питанием и защитой, увеличивая городское биоразнообразие. Важно для будущих поколений посадить деревья сегодня!

Benefici degli alberi urbani

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2016

Gli alberi urbani di grandi dimensioni fungono da eccellente filtro per gli inquinanti urbani e il particolato fine. Un singolo albero può assorbire fino a 150 kg di CO2 all’anno e sequestrare carbonio dall’atmosfera, contribuendo così a mitigare il cambiamento climatico. Gli alberi forniscono habitat, cibo e protezione per piante ed animali, aumentando così la biodiversità urbana. Piantare alberi oggi è indispensabile per il benessere delle generazioni future!


Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2016


Décret exécutif n° 16-83 du 21 Joumada El Oula 1437 correspondant au 1er mars 2016 fixant les modalités d’élaboration du plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya.

Febrero, 2016

Le présent décret fixe les modalités d’élaboration du plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya, en application des dispositions de l’article 54 de la loi n° 01-20 du 27 Ramadhan 1422 correspondant au 12 décembre 2001 relative à l’aménagement et au développement durable du territoire.Le plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya est un instrument de mise en œuvre de la politique d’aménagement et de développement durable sur le territoire de la wilaya ayant pour objectif d’assurer la cohérence entre : les instruments hiérarchisés d’aménagement du territoire situés en amont : le schéma natio

Zimbabwe Economic Update, February 2016

Febrero, 2016

Low export prices and high production
costs are contributing to a persistent deficit in the
external accounts. Despite narrowing somewhat in recent
years, Zimbabwe’s current account deficit remains much
larger than those of comparable countries in the region, and
exports currently amount to just over half of imports. A
decline in global prices for gold, platinum and other
mineral commodities, coupled with unresolved supply-side

Expanding Opportunities for Rural Finance in Colombia

Febrero, 2016

The purpose of this note is to provide
policy recommendations to improve access to credit of rural
populations and small agricultural producers under
financially sustainable schemes. Although the agricultural
sector remains an important source of employment,
agricultural credit is a small fraction of commercial credit
in Colombia. The share of agricultural credit in Colombia is
below levels observed in other countries in the region.

Indigenous Latin America in the
Twenty-First Century

Febrero, 2016

In 2013 the World Bank set itself two
ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty within a generation
and to boost the prosperity of the bottom 40 percent of the
population worldwide. In Latin America, the significance of
both goals cannot be overstated. Indigenous people account
for about 8 percent of the population, but represent 14
percent of the poor and over 17 percent of all Latin
Americans living on less than United States (U.S.) $2.50 a

Regional Law No. 605-PK amending Regional Law No. 1080-220 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Febrero, 2016

Article 8 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Urban land destined for urban and peri-urban agriculture without constructions thereon and allotted to agricultural organization or peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or hereditary life-long possession shall be purchased in ownership by the aforesaid categories of natural and legal persons at the cost of 15 percent of cadastre value of the plot of land at the date of submittal of the application”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 1080-220 “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2013-03-05)

Evaluating Multi-Sensor Nighttime Earth Observation Data for Identification of Mixed vs. Residential Use in Urban Areas

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2016

This paper introduces a novel top-down approach to geospatially identify and distinguish areas of mixed use from predominantly residential areas within urban agglomerations. Under the framework of the World Bank’s Central American Country Disaster Risk Profiles (CDRP) initiative, a disaggregated property stock exposure model has been developed as one of the key elements for disaster risk and loss estimation. Global spatial datasets are therefore used consistently to ensure wide-scale applicability and transferability.

A Detailed Anatomy of Factor Misallocation in India

Febrero, 2016

This paper complements the results of
earlier work on factor misallocation. The paper first
expands the methodology and provides two important
decompositions for the main indices. The main result is that
factor and output misallocation across districts is at least
as important as misallocation within districts. Second, the
paper provides an exploration of the service sector that
complements earlier work on manufacturing. The analysis