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BTI 2022 Country Report — Togo

Reports & Research
Abril, 2022

The Gnassingbé clan has ruled the country since 1967. Throughout the survey period, demands for political change initiated by institutional and electoral reforms were a major issue of contention between the government and the challengers of the Gnassingbé regime. An alliance of opposition parties and civil society groups organized peaceful demonstrations in opposition to the regime. These demonstrations were often violently suppressed. Civil society organizations and representatives of the Christian church supported the opposition’s demands.


Analysing land policy processes with stages model: Land policy cases of Ethiopia and Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2022

Land policies are formulated with the goal of addressing land use management challenges. Therefore, a thorough investigation is required to assess effectiveness of land policy processes. The unknown land use policy effec[1]tiveness is how and where the formulation and identification of land use problems affect the throughput of policy implementation. The main objective of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of land policy processes using models of public policy analysis.

ALIGN - Faire progresser la gouvernance des investissements fonciers

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2022
Afrique orientale

Le projet ALIGN (Advancing Land-based Investment Governance) appuie les gouvernements, la société civile, les communautés locales et d’autres parties prenantes pour renforcer la gouvernance et les pratiques en matière d’investissements fonciers - de l’agriculture aux infrastructures, en passant par les industries minières et manufacturières, la séquestration du carbone et les énergies renouvelables. Ce fascicule présente les objectifs, les activités et les partenaires du projet.

Les politiques du logement dans les Suds : quelles alternatives à l’endettement des ménages ?

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2022

Seconde partie d’une étude en deux volets sur les politiques de l’habitat dans les pays à revenu intermédiaire, ce papier de recherche explore les alternatives aux programmes d’accession à la propriété pleine et individuelle (via un crédit immobilier). Dans le champ d’action des politiques publiques, ces alternatives peuvent aller de la mise en œuvre des formes d’accès à la propriété plus inclusives (autoconstruction partielle et encadrée, coopératives, foncier solidaire, etc.) à la relance des marchés locatifs privés et au développement du logement locatif social.

Les politiques du logement dans les Suds : la promotion de la propriété individuelle et ses limites

Manuals & Guidelines
Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2022
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Une tendance de fond domine les politiques du logement des pays à revenu intermédiaire depuis les années 1980 : la montée en puissance de l’accession aidée à la propriété individuelle, c’est-à-dire via un crédit immobilier subventionné.

Housing, land and property rights as war financing commodities: A typology with lessons from Darfur, Colombia and Syria

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean
Western Asia

The ongoing use of landscape-based conflict commodities — diamonds and other minerals, timber, wildlife, etc. — to finance wars continues to evolve. The success with which such commodities can be transacted to support militaries, militias and insurgencies has led belligerents to innovate with additional commodities. Housing, land and property (HLP) rights within war zones have belatedly joined the list of conflict commodities that are subject to transaction, and to such an extent as to warrant significant concern.

Invisible And Excluded: Risks To Informal Wives And Partners From Land Tenure Formalization And Titling Campaigns In Latin America

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin American countries have pursued rural land titling and registration campaigns over the past several decades with a broad range of social and economic goals. These efforts represent a permanent or long-term legal recognition of rights to land as a primary economic asset for agricultural communities and a source of family subsistence, security, and social and cultural wellbeing. Land rights can provide multi-generational benefits to recipients.

Land Portal Annual Report 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022

Letter from the Team Leader

The Land Portal Foundation is proud to support land stakeholders around the world to nurture a growing information ecosystem that is informing and improving land-related decision-making, policy, and practice at all levels.

Informe Anual Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022


Carta de la líder de equipo

La Fundación Land Portal se enorgullece de apoyar a los actores involucrados en la tierra en todo el mundo para alimentar un creciente ecosistema de información que está informando y mejorando la toma de decisiones, la política y la práctica relacionadas con la tierra en todos los niveles.

Rapport annuel Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022

La Land Portal Foundation est fière de soutenir les parties prenantes du secteur foncier dans le monde entier afin d'alimenter un écosystème d'information croissant qui informe et améliore les décisions, les politiques et les pratiques liées au foncier à tous les niveaux.

Relatório Anual do Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2022

A Land Portal Foundation se orgulha de apoiar pessoas interessadas na terra ao redor do mundo para nutrir um crescente ecossistema de informação que está informando e melhorando as decisões, políticas e práticas relacionadas à terra em todos os níveis.