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Current issues in non-timber forest products research. Proceedings of the workshop research on NTFP. Hot Spring, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

This book contains a number of commissioned background papers presented at the workshop on ‘Research on Non-timber Forest Products’ (Hot Springs, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995). Bringing together experiences from different regions and professional backgrounds, the book attempts to analyse the complexity of multiple use of forests from a multidimensional perspective that incorporates environmental, social, economic, technological, political, historical and cultural factors. Current topics of discussion are reviewed.

Estimating sustainable timber production from tropical forests

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

Natural forests in the humid tropics differ from temperate and plantation forests in several ways: there may be many tree species; many of these may occur infrequently; there may be a large range of tree sizes and shapes present; tree ages may be unknown and indeterminate; and despite the luxuriant appearance some rainforests, growth rates may be relatively low. This has many implications for timber harvesting and yield estimation and means that most of the estimation techniques devised for even-aged single-species forests cannot be used.

Forest operations for sustainable forestry in the tropics: proceedings of a symposium organised by IUFRO Subject group S3.05-00, Forest operations in the tropics at the XX IUFRO World Congress, 6 - 12 August 1995, Tampere, Finland.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

Forest harvesting and transportation operations are essential components of sustainable forestry. Recognition of these important factors was consistent with the theme of the XX IUFRO World Congress, "Caring for the Forest: Research in a Changing World". The Congress was held in Tampere, Finland, in August 1995. As part of the proceedings a forum was provided for discussion of new techniques for planning, implementing and controlling forest operations in ways that promote sustainable management of tropical forests.

Livestock and deforestation in Central America in the 1980s and 1990s: a policy perspective

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

This study analyses seven factors used to explain the conversion of forest to pasture in Central America between 1979 and 1994: 1) favourable markets for livestock products; 2) subsidised credit and road construction; 3) land-tenure policies; 4) limited technological change in livestock production; 5) policies which reduce timber values; 6) reduced levels of political violence; and 7) characteristics specific to cattle which make conversion attractive. Deforestation rates in Central America declined in the 1980s, but remained high.

Research methods for reduced-impact logging: workshop results

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

In July 1996, with assistance from FAO, USAID, and the USDA Forest Service, CIFOR offered its first International Research Training Seminar on Reduced-Impact Timber Harvesting and Natural Forest Management. Participants were drawn from ten countries and represented disciplines ranging from silviculture and hydrology to wildlife biology. Throughout the workshop, field exercises were integrated with classroom activities, initially in the experimental forest plantation near CIFOR's headquarters, and later at an industrial timber concession in East Kalimantan.

Testing criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of forests: phase 1. Final Report

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 1996

This report documents the conduct of the first field tests of criteria and indicators (C&I) at the forest management unit level. Interdisciplinary and international teams of five persons conducted tests of five sets of C&I in four countries (Germany, Indonesia, Brazil, and Cote d’Ivoire). This report provides a description of the methods used, a thorough analysis of the findings, a combined generic template of C&I dealing with production forestry, policy, social and ecological issues, based on the groups’ results.

Forestry extension

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1996
Burkina Faso
Estados Unidos de América

This issue of Unasylva focuses on the challenges facing forestry extension and current attempts to respond to them.

Forest-dependent people

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1996

This issue of Unasylva considers some of the issues related to forest-dwelling and forest-dependent people, and particularly their role in and relationship to sustainable forest management.