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Land Integration Act.

Febrero, 1982
Europa oriental

The present Act, which is composed of 35 Paragraphs, has been adopted to ensure the development of agriculture and forestry by improving the area structure of farms, forests and forest lands, and by adapting borders of immovable properties to the system of water drainage, roads and terrain features. Integration applies to lands placed in one or several villages or their parts. However, it does not apply to lands where mining or industrial plants, historic or architectural monuments, sanctuaries, lands used for fishery or allocated for special purposes exist.

El empleo

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1976

Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales


Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1976

Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires

Documentos del comité de la FAO de desarrollo forestal en los trópicos - extractos - Ordenación y utilización del bosque tropical húmedo

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1976

Este nmero especial de Unasylva tiene dos objetivos principales. Pone a disposicin de nuestros lectores una seleccin de algunos de los trabajos presentados en el importante Cuarto perodo de sesiones del Comit de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trpicos, de la FAO y, de esta manera, pone de relieve la principal preocupacin de la Organizacin en materia forestal: cul es la mejor manera y la ms adecuada para el hombre de utilizar la formacin ecolgica menos conocida, es decir, los bosques tropicales hmedos.

Management and utilization of the tropical moist forest - from the FAO Committee on forest development in the tropics - extracts

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1976

This special issue of Unasylva has two main objectives. It brings to our readers an edited selection of some of the position papers of the important 4th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry Development in the Tropics and, in doing, this, it emphasizes FAO's principal concern in the field of forestry: how to make the best and wisest use of man's least understood ecological formation, the moist tropical forest.


Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 1976

An international journal of forestry and forest industries