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Identification of genomic regions associated with agronomic and disease resistance traits in a large set of multiple DH populations

Diciembre, 2021

Breeding maize lines with the improved level of desired agronomic traits under optimum and drought conditions as well as increased levels of resistance to several diseases such as maize lethal necrosis (MLN) is one of the most sustainable approaches for the sub-Saharan African region. In this study, 879 doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from 26 biparental populations were evaluated under artificial inoculation of MLN, as well as under well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS) conditions for grain yield and other agronomic traits.

Genetic identity, epidemiology and management of faba bean (Vicia Faba L.) gall disease in Ethiopia

Diciembre, 2021

Ethiopia is the world’s second largest producer of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and the crop has largest share of area and production of all pulses grown in Ethiopia. Faba bean is valued for its source of protein, income, and animal feedstock, and an important rotational crop. However, its current productivity is very low due to an emerging faba bean gall (FBG) disease and other biotic constraints. Initially, FBG disease-causing pathogen remained unconfirmed, but it was assumed to be caused by Olpidium sp.

Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization and Design of Community-Based Breeding Programs for Two Indigenous Goat Populations of Ethiopia

Diciembre, 2021

The aim of the dissertation was to undertake phenotypic and genetic characterization and design community-based breeding programs for two indigenous goat populations in Ethiopia, namely Arab and Oromo. The dissertation was based on five manuscripts. Papers I, II, IV and V were based on data generated from production system, morphological characterization and ranking experiments. Paper III was based on whole genome data generated from three indigenous goat populations (Arab, Fellata and Oromo).

Digital sequence information is changing the way genetic resources are used in agricultural research and development: implications for new benefit-sharing norms

Diciembre, 2021

This paper analyses the ways in which CGIAR Centers use digital sequence information (DSI) in their efforts to conserve and sustainably utilize the world’s most important crop and livestock genetic diversity.

High-Temperature and Drought Stress Effects on Growth, Yield and Nutritional Quality with Transpiration Response to Vapor Pressure Deficit in Lentil

Diciembre, 2021

High temperature and water deficit are among the major limitations reducing lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) yield in many growing regions. In addition, increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) due to global warming causes a severe challenge by influencing the water balance of the plants, thus also affecting growth and yield.

(Un)making the upland: resettlement, rubber and land use planning in Namai village, Laos

Diciembre, 2021

This paper highlights how farmers in a northern Lao village transformed their customary land rights – in the face of incoherent overlapping state territorialization attempts – into a territorial strategy to secure their land tenure. By planting rubber, some villagers have engaged in a crop boom to lay claim to land which has recently been zoned for upland rice cultivation (and conservation) as part of a state-led land use planning initiative.

Polycentrism: A case study on water access and management in community-based water tenure in Makopa and Simukale villages

Diciembre, 2021

The objective of this study is to map community solutions to deal with climate variability and how information is mobilized into or interfaces with the next layer of government interventions that brings new perspectives in understanding how local solutions can be better mobilized into external solutions to climate change adaptation through horizontal and vertical integration processes, with a focus on living community-based water tenure in rural Zambia.

Just transitions for a Climate-Resilient Development in Africa – Transforming Dialogue into Action

Diciembre, 2021

CCDA-X1, hosted by the Government of Namibia, convened on the theme: “Just transitions for a Climate-Resilient Development in Africa – Transforming Dialogue into Action” in collaboration with Africa’s civil society organisations, academia, development partners, regional and international organisations and the private sector.
The conference resulted in the following key messages to be taken forward to COP27 by Namibia.

How to scale up innovations to achieve transformative impact

Diciembre, 2021

ClimBeR Governance 4 Resilience (Work Package 4) developed a framework to scale innovations for transformative impact. The framework has four elements: 1) Changing the narrative, 2) Deepening the analysis, 3) Strengthening the alliances, 4) The process of change: applying lessons learned. This framework is being applied to ClimBeR research on governance in Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Guatemala and the Philippines.

The government of Ucayali, Peru, adopts deforestation-free, low- emissions strategies to strengthen cocoa and palm oil value chains

Diciembre, 2021

The strategies developed to promote deforestation-free, low- emission cocoa and oil palm value chains have been officially adopted by the regional government of Ucayali to guide public and private stakeholders towards improved sectorial and agricultural development. Both documents have been developed by the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT in the framework of a project on “Business models to address drivers of deforestation in Peru” or Sustainable Amazon Businesses (SAB).

Improving governance for anticipation, warning, action and financing climate disasters in Zambia

Diciembre, 2021

This case study in Zambia examines existing Early Warning, Early Action and Financing (EWEAF) initiatives in response to floods. It looks at the institutional gaps, arrangements, innovations and challenges that may affect progress and speed of actions. It employs the concept of anticipatory governance and polycentric governance arrangements to identify the appropriate institutional conditions to support Governance 4 Resilience.