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A technical guideline on integrated aquaculture performance assessment

Diciembre, 2021

The aim of this guideline is to provide a methodological approach for an integrated aquaculture performance assessment. It was developed as a deliverable of the Scaling Systems and Partnerships for Accelerating the Adoption of Improved Tilapia Strains by Small-Scale Fish Farmers (SPAITS) project. One of the main outputs of the project is to conduct an integrated performance assessment of improved tilapia strains in participating small-scale fish farming households in Myanmar. The integrated assessment comprises three domains: economic, social and environmental.

A Disaggregated Analysis of Fish Demand in Myanmar

Diciembre, 2021

We estimate demand elasticities for fish in Myanmar by fish supply sources and household groups, using a multistage budgeting approach combined with quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS). Our findings show that fish demand from all supply sources and household groups has increased with income. A substantial share of increasing demand for all fish groups is likely to come from poor and rural households because the income elasticity of demand for all fish groups is higher for poor (0.40) and rural households (0.32) than for nonpoor (0.26) and urban households (0.29).

Gender, Deliberation, and Natural Resource Governance: Experimental Evidence from Malawi

Diciembre, 2021

Tropical deforestation is estimated to cause about one-quarter of anthropogenic carbon emissions, the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after fossil fuel combustion. Deforestation is also catastrophic for the communities that depend on tree harvesting for the livelihoods and who suffer the consequences of natural disasters linked to deforestation (e.g., mudslides). Avoiding the over-harvesting of communal forests in Malawi and other developing countries is particularly difficult because community members face enormous incentives to over-harvest.

Diversity and traditional use knowledge of medicinal plants among communities in the South and South-Eastern zones of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia

Diciembre, 2021

In the present study, the diversity of medicinal plants (MPs) and associated traditional knowledge of rural community herbalists to treat human and animals’ diseases were assessed in two districts in the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. Study participants were randomly selected for survey and focus group discussions, while key informant traditional healers were identified through snowball/chain-referral sampling. The informant consensus factor (FIC) by ailment category and fidelity level (FL) for some MPs were determined. About 97 MP species were identified.

Women’s land rights in Niger. Securing women’s resource rights through gender transformative approaches

Diciembre, 2021

This series of socio-legal reviews summarizes the legal and policy documents related to women’s land tenure in seven countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Niger, Bangladesh, and Colombia. These synthesis documents, part of the IFAD Initiative on Women’s Resource Rights, are designed for researchers and policymakers seeking to improve women’s land and resource rights in these target countries. This review covers:
• A general characterization of land and resource tenure systems at national, regional, and local levels

Politiques et pratiques foncieres et engagement des jeunes dans la production de l'igname (dioscorea spp) en Republique du Benin. Land policies and practices and youth engagement in yam (dioscorea spp) production in the Republic of Benin

Diciembre, 2021

La culture d’igname, très exigeante en fertilité du sol, est de plus en plus confronté à la raréfaction des terres fertiles au Bénin. La présente étude analyse l’influence des politiques et pratiques foncières sur l’engagement des jeunes dans la production de l’igname en République du Bénin. Les données sont collectées à l’aide de questionnaires administrés à 383 producteurs d’igname du Département des Collines identifiés selon un échantillonnage à choix raisonné.

Scientific data for CS-MAP in Cambodia

Diciembre, 2021

The presentation elaborated on the various scientific data used to develop Climate-Smart Mapping and Adaptation Planning (CS-MAP) for Cambodia. These include spatial data for flood risk and drought risk, land cover/land use type, and other spatial data (i.e., administrative boundary, natural resources, satellite images, and topography).

Institutional innovations in community-based watershed management – exploring lessons for scaling from an Inter Aide Programme in Southern Ethiopia

Diciembre, 2021

This is a qualitative study on institutional innovations that the Inter Aide France (IAF) project has pioneered as part of its people-centred land management activities in Hadiya and Kembata-Tembaro (HKT) zones of Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region of Ethiopia. This is an offshoot of an ongoing partnership between IAF and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.

Famine in the Horn of Africa: Understanding institutional arrangements in land tenure systems

Diciembre, 2021

Natural calamities such as drought, famine, and climate change have collided to create a humanitarian crisis. For the Horn of Africa (HoA), famine is among the factors that have caused the worst historical damages to the individual countries. Man-made calamities such as decentralized agricultural, pastoral activities and forest clearing are also root causes for the damage. Institutional arrangements (IAs) on land tenure systems and agricultural land conversion (ALC) as a part of this problem will be analyzed in this paper.

Scoping study on participatory rangeland management (PRM) in Wajir

Diciembre, 2021

This report is a contribution to ILRI's RECONCILE project Livestock, Climate and System Resilience (LCSR), a research program that aims to improve participatory rangeland management (PRM) uptake by establishing a stronger technical base. The three-year project builds on the gains and lessons learned in the implementation of PRM in Baringo implemented under similar collaborative arrangements and promoted PRM both as a concept for rangelands management and restoration and as a process that promotes sustainable land use, policy and governance of rangelands and pastoral livelihoods systems.

Polycentric governance model for transformative adaptation in Morocco: Institutional mapping

Diciembre, 2021

This paper mapped the institutions involved in planning, funding, implementing, maintaining and monitoring, and evaluating of the adaptation interventions in Morocco. It considered the following interventions implemented through the Green Morocco Plan for mapping institutions. 1). Adoption of Water Saving Program in irrigation 2). Adoption of resilient cropping patterns, and 3). Improvement of the investment climate in agriculture.

Coupled forest zoning and agricultural intervention yields conflicting outcomes for tropical forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Diciembre, 2021

Agricultural intensification and forest conservation are often seen as incompatible. Agricultural interventions can help boost food security for poor rural communities but in certain cases can exacerbate deforestation, known as the rebound effect. We tested whether coupling agricultural interventions with participatory forest zoning could improve food security and promote forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.