Rip: Rest in Pieces
Urban Development. On Nov 14th 1996, the Slorc posted a notice at the gate of Kyandaw Cemetery giving relatives one month's notice to move the remains to a new site at Shwe Nyaung-bin, two hours drive from Rangoon. Kyandaw cemetery is located on 50-70 acres of what has become prime real estate in downtown Rangoon, near Hantha-waddy intersection.
Issue paper : exploring integration of gender dimension into NEPED [Nagaland Environment Protection and Economic Development]
Testing for market imperfections : participation in land and labor contracts in Turkish agriculture
The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996
The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 or PESA is a law enacted by the Government of India for ensuring self governance through traditional Gram Sabhas for people living in the Scheduled Areas of
US Committee for Refugees Burma Report 1997
Situation to the end of 1996
Las cadenas agroindustriales y la diversificación agrícola en El Salvador
Proyecto sobre Promoción de la Integración Social y Económica de los Pequeños y Medianos Agricultores a la Agroindustria
Pequeña agricultura y agroindustria en el Perú
Proyecto sobre Promoción de la Integración Social y Económica de los Pequeños y Medianos Agricultores a la Agroindustria
Total Denial - A Report on the Yadana Pipeline Project in Burma
#039;Total Denial' catalogues the systematic human rights abuses and environmental degradation perpetrated by SLORC as the regime seeks to consolidate its power base in the gas pipeline region.
Artigos seleccionados sobre questões de terras em Moçambique
o presente trabalho e uma compilação de vàrios artigos que sintetizam os resultados de pesquisas de campo sobre acesso e segurança de posse de terra efectuados nos liltimos cinco anos em Moçambique.
Communal Property Associations Act
To enable communities to form juristic persons, to be known as communal property associations in order to acquire, hold and manage property on a basis agreed to by members of a community in terms of a written constitution; and to provide for matters connected therewith. (English text signed by the President.)
Property rights and the rural land market in Latin America
Land distribution in Latin America is characterized by striking inequality. Notwithstanding the emergence of modern structures in some regions, a few huge land holdings are found alongside a large number of small ones. This situation has long been considered undesirable for reasons of social equity as well as for reasons of efficiency. The topic remains high on the political agenda.