SLORC Activities in Ler Ba Ko Village
Testimony by a refugee from central Karenni (Kayah) State and List of Villages Relocated in March 1992."
Selling wealth to buy poverty: the process of the individualization of landownership among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district, Kenya, 1890-1990
This thesis gives an overview of the Maasai livestock economy as it has developed between 1890 and 1990. Particularly, it analyses the processes and policies of land use and landownership of the Maasai pastoral areas in Kajiado district, Kenya, from the arrival of the Europeans until the recent massive individualization of land tenure.
La silvicultura en zonas áridas
Los tcnicos forestales y los administradores de recursos naturales entendieron muy poco y mal los mltiples usos que los campesinos hicieron de las formaciones forestales en el curso de los milenios, ampliamente documentados en un artculo sobre las tcnicas de ordenacin de tierras arboladas aparecido en el nmero 160 de Unasylva.
The Current Situation in Mudraw Papun District
The current SLORC Offensive and Displaced People
"From July 92. Karen men, women, children: Air-raids on civilian villages (20 civilians killed); precarious economic life of people hiding in jungle; children die of malnutrition; Saw Hta offensive; list of villages and numbers of the people displaced; economic oppression..."
Area: Tee Moo Khee Area, Kaw Lu Der Area, Saw Hta
Statements by Karenni Refugees
Statement by Karenni refugees fleeing a SLORC ultimatum to all villagers in a large part of the State where the Karenni opposition is strong to leave their villages or die. Their statements describe some of the SLORC army’s activities in civilian villages of western Karenni...
La administración de la tierra en el área metropolitana de Lima
Seminario sobre Gestión Metropolitana: Transporte y Medio Ambiente Urbano
Gestão da terra metropolitana na América Latina: o caso de São Paulo, Brasil
Seminario sobre Gestión Metropolitana: Transporte y Medio Ambiente Urbano
Administración, control y gestión de la tierra urbana en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires
Seminario sobre Gestión Metropolitana: Transporte y Medio Ambiente Urbano
El suelo urbano en el área metropolitana de Santafé de Bogotá
Seminario sobre Gestión Metropolitana: Transporte y Medio Ambiente Urbano
Newsletter : Forestry Economics Research Network, no. 4, February 1992
Land Policy and the Evolving Forms of Land Tenure in Masindi District, Uganda
This paper examines the evolution and the nature of the current forms of land tenure in Masindi District and the extent to which these forms impair or facilitate positive socio-economic changes.