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Planning Act (R.S.N.W.T. 1988, c-P.7).

América Septentrional

This Act concerns the management of land and the planning of land uses in Northwest Territories. It contains provisions on development schemes, zoning and construction, it provides for the establishment of the Development Appeal Board and regulates right to enter into lands, inspections and enforcement.

Repealed by: Community Planning and Development Act (S.N.W.T. 2011, c. 22). (2011)

Regional Law No. 121 on ensuring soil fertility of agricultural land.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes legal land economic grounds for state regulation of soil fertility of agricultural land. The Regional Law consists of 6 Chapters. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-3) lays down the main provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 4-6) regards plenary powers of regional authorities and local self-government of the municipal units in the sphere of ensuring soil fertility of agricultural land. Chapter 3 (arts. 7-17) regards state regulation in the sphere of ensuring soil fertility of agricultural land. Chapter 4 (arts.

Alpine Law.

Europa occidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the protection of alpine pastures and the promotion of alpine dairies. The text – consisting of 22 articles deals with the following aspects: authorization, registration of a conflict in the cadastre for non-authorized transactions, right of pre-emption, penalties, competent authorities, transactions of and measures taken by the Free State of Bavaria and entry into force.

Tenancy Act, 2004.

Asia meridional

This Act defines rights and duties of parties involved in agreements relating to the right to the use of property in return for remuneration, and provides for arbitration between parties. The Act consists of 9 Chapters divided into 34 sections.Chapter II designates the department under the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement to be the tenancy authority. Chapter III applies to rental units used as rented residential or commercial premises, and lease of non-agricultural land. The monthly rent shall be determined by an agreement between the parties as provided for in Chapter IV.

Lands Court Ordinance.

Islas Pitcairn

This Ordinance provides for the constitution of the Lands Court, defines its jurisdiction, functions and duties and provides with respect to the Land Register and other matters such as offences and regulation-making powers of the Governor.The Lands Court shall, among other things: exercise supervisory jurisdiction over all lands on Pitcairn Island; cause land to be demarcated and a Register of Lands to be kept; determine on applications for land allocation in accordance with this Ordinance and the Land Tenure Reform Ordinance; and hear disputes relative to ownership of land on Pitcairn Isla

Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act.


This Act regulates the purchase of freeholds in tenantries. A tenantry means a tenantry specified in the First Schedule (a plantation tenantry) and an area of land, including public land, subdivided before a specified date into lots for letting for specified purposes. “Tenantry” does not include land adjoining the foreshore. The purpose of this Act is to establish by law a right for tenants of lots in tenantries who satisfy the requirements of this Act to purchase the freehold at a purchase price governed by considerations of public policy and the requirements of the Constitution.

Chapter 1 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code - Public Land.


This Chapter provides for procedures for the acquisition of land for public purposes by the State of Kosrae and transfer of title in public land.As for acquisition of land, the State shall conduct friendly negotiations with the owner of the land, and only after failure to acquire the land in such manner, may initiate court action aimed at expropriation. The Chapter sets out the criteria for acquisition of land for public use. As for transfer of title of public land, this may be done by the Governor upon approval of the Legislature.

Expropriation Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 81).

América Septentrional

This Act concerns the expropriation of land, which includes “any estate, term, easement, right or interest in, to, over or affecting land” (sec.1). Under section 2, the Minister has the power to expropriate any land he or she deems necessary for public purposes. The Act provides for compensation for disturbance, injurious affection of land or expropriation to be assessed and paid. Section 13 provides for the establishment of a Board of negotiation to solve disputes related to expropriation.

Ley de Desarrollo Agrario (Texto codificado).

América del Sur

La presente codificación de la Ley de Desarrollo Agrario, tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario que garantice la alimentación de todos los ecuatorianos e incremente la exportación de excedentes, en el marco de un manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales y del ecosistema.El fomento, desarrollo y protección del sector agrario se efectuará mediante el establecimiento de las siguientes políticas: 1) Política de capacitación integral al indígena, al montubio, al afroecuatoriano y al campesino en general, para que mejore sus conocimientos relativos

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Contracting of Rural Land.

Asia oriental

This Law has been formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of stabilizing and perfecting the two-level operation system, which is based the responsibility system of contracting by households supplemented by unified management, entitling the peasants to a long-term and guaranteed right to the use of land, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties of the contracting of rural land, so as to improve the development of agriculture and the rural economy and stabilize the rural areas.

Forests Act (No. 3 of 1999).

Islas Salomón

The declared (sect. 3) objects of the Act are: ensuring effective and ecologically sustainable management of forest resources; promotion of a sustainable commercial timber industry, and; protection and conservation of forest resources, habitats and ecosystems including the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity. The administration of matters affecting forests is entrusted to Commissioner of Forests appointed under section 6 and the Minister who shall be advised by the Solomon Forestry Board established under section 5.

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on effectuation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Asia central

Land legislation shall be based on the principles set out in article 3. In accordance with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, land may be the state, communal, private or other forms of ownership (art. 4). Article 4 also defines state lands and communal ownership. Article 5 concerns rights of foreigners to use land. Transactions with rights to a land plot shall be subject to state registration and shall not require notarization, except for the cases provided by law (art. 9). Article 10 defines the Land Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.