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Displaying 1969 - 1980 of 2311

Regulation on land use planning and land survey.

Europa oriental

This Regulation governs mapping (restoration) of the boundaries of landownership and land tenancy, and also re-distribution of land. It consists of six Sections dealing with the following matters: (1) general provisions; (2) preparatory work; (3) field operations; (4) office studies; (5) explanatory note; and (6) registration and submittal of the documentation.

Acuerdo Nº 22/86 - Reglamento a la Ley de reforma agraria.

América central

El presente Acuerdo emite el Reglamento de la reforma de la Ley de Reforma Agraria, que establece el procedimiento de afectación y adjudicación de bienes al Estado (Capítulo I), el procedimiento de indemnización (Capítulo III), el procedimiento sobre la asignación de bienes rústicos y el título de reforma agraria (Capítulo IV), y de la composición y funcionamiento del Consejo Nacional de Reforma Agraria (Capítulo V).El Capítulo II, sobre las Zonas de desarrollo agropecuario y reforma agraria, y casos de utilidad publica o interés social, establece que el Acuerdo de Declaración de Zona de De

Acuerdo Nº 8/81 - Reglamento a la Ley de reforma agraria.

América central

El presente Acuerdo emite el Reglamento de la Ley de Reforma Agraria, que establece el procedimiento de afectación de las propiedades o tierras rústicas y su adjudicación al Estado, el procedimiento de indemnización, y el procedimiento de asignación con el objeto de hacer llegar a la población nicaragüense en una forma más eficiente los beneficios de una Reforma Agraria Integral.

State Landmarks Ordinance 1909 (No. 7 of 1909).

Sri Lanka
Asia meridional

According to the provisions of this Ordinance, whenever any land is sold, leased or alienated by the State the Minister may cause the boundaries of such land to be defined by permanent marks. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupier of any land to keep said marks in good repair. The Government Agent shall, when State landmarks have been replaced or repaired or the boundary line has been defined to his satisfaction, grant a certificate to that effect to the owner or occupier (art. 7).

Republican Resolution on Law No. 39 of 1991 on the Land Register.

Asia occidental

This Resolution is composed of 37 articles. Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Lands shall be divided into 3 parts: public lands, private lands and endowment lands (art. 2). There shall be two systems for land registration: individual and corporate body (art. 3). The inheritance right shall be written if it includes a land (art. 10). Rent contracts which exceed 5 years shall be registered in the appropriate newspaper (art. 13). Articles 20-26 deals with dispute settlements. The Prime Minister shall issue the Regulation for registration fees (art. 33).

Land Development Duty Regulations.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Development Duty Act relating to, among other things: notification of an agreement to sell land; assessment of duty and notice of assessment; (assessment of) betterment charge; and resolution of disputes regarding assessment.

Implements: Land Development Duty Act. (2001)

Décret du 30 juillet 1986 instituant une section speciale chargée de connaître des contestations relatives aux terres de la plaine de l'Artibonite.


Le présent décret institue une section speciale chargée de connaître des contestations relatives aux terres de la plaine de l'Artibonite.

Mis en oeuvre par: Arrêté du 19 décembre 1986 déterminant les limites et les aires des divisions géographiques de chacune des sections terriennes définies aux articles 2,3 et 4 du décret du 30 juillet 1986 instituant une section speciale chargée de connaître des contestations relatives aux terres de la plaine de l'Artibonite. (1986-12-19)

Regulation on the organisation of dehkan farming in the Republic of Tajikistan (No. 699 of 1993).

Asia central

The present Regulation lays down basic rules for the creation and operation of "dehkan" (private) farms, especially with regard to the allocation and use of land. Citizens have the right to leave collective farms and to start private farms. The size of the farm shall be decided by the Executive Committee of the Regional Soviet in each single case.

Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Rent Review) Regulations (Cap. 59:54).

Trinidad y Tabago

These Regulations make provision for the review of rent by Rent Assessment Boards. An application for review of rent may be made pursuant to section 5a of the Act to a Rent Assessment Board, constituted under the Rent Restriction Act, having jurisdiction over the area within which the land is located (reg. 3). The application shall be in the form prescribed by these Regulations and set out in the Schedule. A hearing shall be held, and upon decision of the Board, a certificate shall be issued to the applicant. (8 regulations completed by a Schedule)

Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)(Rent Review) Order (Cap. 59:54).

Trinidad y Tabago

A review of rent may be made pursuant to section 5a of the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) Act to a Rent assessment Board, constituted under the Rent Restriction Act, having jurisdiction over the area within which the land is located. This Order specifies the matters of which a Board shall take cognisance in undertaking a review.

Implements: Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Rent Review) Regulations (Cap. 59:54). (2009-12-31)

Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) (Forms and Notices) Regulations (Cap. 59:54).

Trinidad y Tabago

These Regulations prescribe forms for purposes of the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) Act and provide that a landlord or a tenant may require a written memorandum of statutory lease in case of continuance of such lease. A memorandum of lease shall be in the form as prescribed in the Schedule to these Regulations and non-fulfilment of the requirements shall constitute an offence. Forms in the Schedule include also: a tenant's or landlord's notice and notification under section 9 of the Act; a tenant's notice under section 4 of the Act.