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Law on Natural Resources (No. 1102-XIII).

Europa oriental

This Law regulates the use, management and protection of natural resources in the interest of ecological safety and economic development. It is composed of ten chapters and four annexes. After defining and classifying natural resources (renewable, non-renewable, national, local, reserved and protected, curative, i.e. used for prevention and treatment of illnesses) (chaps. 1 and 2).

Ley Nº 1.314 - Código Rural.

América del Sur

La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual constituye el conjunto ordenado y sistemático de las normas administrativas, reglamentarias, de policía y jurisdiccionales de aplicación en el orden rural. Fija asimismo las normas que rigen el ejercicio, los derechos y obligaciones derivados de la actividad rural en cualquiera de sus especializaciones. El libro I se refiere a las personas rurales.

Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Regions Law (Law No. 9/98).

Asia sudoriental

The purpose of this Law is to protect and preserve cultural heritage regions form deterioration due to natural disasters or from man made destruction. The Law consists of 9 Chapters divided into 30 sections.The Ministry of Culture shall designate the following zones to be cultural heritage regions: ancient monumental zones, ancient site zones, and protected and preserved zones (Chapter III).

Decree-Law No. 192/2000 on prevention and control of the pollution caused by certain activities.

Europa meridional

This Decree-Law is composed of 44 articles and three annexes divided in six Chapters. It regulates prevention and control measures against the pollution caused by certain activities, with the aim of reducing their impact over air, water, noise and soil. The list of activities is provided in the annexes, as well as the maximum emission values allowed. It requires environmental impact assessment and regular inspections over hazardous substances and illicit marine pollution. Particular attention is paid to environmental licensing.

National Forestry Law.

África occidental

This Act makes provision, in 22 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.Chapter 2 defines rights in forest resources in Liberia and grants the right to the Forestry Development Authority to lease out forestry land.

Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

América central

La Ley, que consta de 4 capítulos y 23 artículos, tiene por objeto organizar y redefinir las funciones, atribuciones y ámbito de competencia del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INTER), que es el órganos encargado de la investigación, inventario y evaluación de los recursos físicos del país, de ejecutar los estudios de ordenamiento territorial, de realizar los estudios para la prevención y mitigación de los efectos provocados por fenómenos naturales peligrosos, de realizar estudios meteorológicos y geofísicos, de regular y efectuar los trabajos cartográficos y geodésicos, y

Land Act No. 5/98.

África occidental

A law that regulates land-use planning and rational exploitation of land. Land is property of the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, its exploitation is allowed only under concession or authorization granted by the Government. Agricultural land exploitation areas shall not exceed 300 hectars, but the Council of Ministers may authorize land-use concessions to cooperatives and national or foreign companies for areas not exceeding 1500 hectars.

Decree-Law No. 65/98 establishing the conditions for coastal land expropriation in the district of Praia.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Decree-Law consists of 5 articles establishing the conditions under which a very urgent procedure of land expropriation is allowed for turistic purposes within the District of Praia. It also includes coastal zone infrastructures' expropriation for touristic development. It concerns as well the financial compensations to be paid to landowners according to Act No. 54/98 of 29 June 1998.

Ley Nº 5.018 - Prevención y lucha contra incendios en áreas rurales y forestales.

América del Sur

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer las acciones, normas y procedimientos para la prevención y lucha contra incendios en áreas rurales y forestales, tanto en bosques nativos como de cultivo, en el territorio de la Provincia de Jujuy. En este marco, la Ley prevé la elaboración del Mapa de Zonificación y del Plan Anual de Prevención y Lucha contra Incendios en Areas Rurales y Forestales; asimismo crea el Fondo de Prevención de Incendios.

Act on agricultural land.

Europa meridional

This Act, which is composed of 124 articles, regulates the use of agricultural land, their protection, marketing and leasing, agricultural operations and common pastures. Provisions of this Act apply mutatis mutandis to forests, unless otherwise provided by law. For these provisions agricultural land means land that is suitable for agricultural production, other than building land and water and land for other purposes. The agricultural land includes all land abandoned, not designated as forest under the Forest Act.

Ley Nº 12.307 - Crea la Comisión Bicameral para la atención y seguimiento de desastres naturales.

América del Sur

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la creación, en el ámbito de la Legislatura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, de la Comisión Bicameral para la atención y seguimiento de desastres naturales provocados por emergencias hídricas o de carácter climático.