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Loi nº 86-2 relative à l'aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral.

Europa occidental

Cette loi reconnait le littoral comme une entité géographique qui appelle une politique spécifique d'aménagement, de protection et de mise en valeur. la loi concerne concerne non seulement les communes riveraines des mers et océans, des étangs salés, des plans d’eau intérieurs d’une superficie supérieure à 1 000 hectares, mais aussi celles qui, sous certaines conditions, sont riveraines des estuaires et des deltas.

Law No. 2 of 1983 on pasture.

Asia occidental

This Law aims to manage and develop the pasture by identifying the areas of rough grazing, planning the grazing according to scientific bases, protecting the natural vegetation, conserving water resources and organizing their use, and conducting studies and researches for the protection of rough grazing. The provisions of this Law concern the state-owned properties allocated for pasture and exclude cultivated lands and other particular cases.

Law No. 784 of 5 October 1984.

América del Sur

This Law establishes the norms for the previous State approval of land parcelling projects for urban purposes in the areas declared of special interest for environmental protection. The Law, composed of 5 articles, individuates the binding norms for the approval process focused on vegetation protection, soil natural composition and conservation of lakes, ponds, lagoons, water courses and their related waterfront zones.

Law No. 466 on the industrial zoning in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro.

América del Sur

This Law, composed of 18 articles, regulates the industrial zoning in the Metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. It defines 3 areas for the establishment of industrial activities, namely Areas of Strictly Industrial Use (ZEI), Areas of Mainly Industrial Use (ZUPI) and Areas with Diversified Use (ZUD). The law establishes the competent bodies for the zoning and the classification of industrial activities. For the ZUD areas, it requires a Plan aimed at rationalise the land use for industrial purposes and to minimize environmental impacts.

Law No. 1.130 providing for a detailed definition of the areas to be considered of special interest for the State.

América del Sur

This Law, structured in three main sections and composed of 20 articles, provides a detailed definition of the areas to be considered of special interest for the State. It sets the legal framework for the immovable properties with more than 1.000.000 m2 and those located in municipal bordering areas.

East Peninsula Land Development and Conservation Act, 1986 (No. 12 of 1986).

Saint Kitts y Nevis

The South-East Peninsula Land Development and Conservation Board shall evaluate development schemes, make recommendations regarding allotment and reservation of land, control of pollution, implementation of environmental protection plans, monitor implementation of development schemes and carry out other functions set out in section 4. The Board shall prepare the South-East Peninsula Development and Land Use Management Plan in accordance with section 5.

North New Georgia Timber Corporation (Amendment) Act 1980 (No. 4 of 1980).

Islas Salomón

The amendments of the principal Act change the definition of “extract”, make provision for the creation of a Reserve Fund for purposes set out in section 6, and amend the Schedule relative to internal organization and other matters regarding the North New Georgia Timber Corporation. “Extract” now includes rights to quarry and to move and use sand, etc., and to take and use water, subject to the provisions of the Rivers Water Act.

Amends: North New Georgia Timber Corporation Act 1979 (No. 9 of 1979). (1979)

North New Georgia Timber Corporation Act 1979 (No. 9 of 1979).

Islas Salomón

The is established the North New Georgia Timber Corporation the principal object of which shall be to promote the utilisation of the timber resources of North New Georgia for the public benefit. There shall be a Board of Directors of the Corporation. For purposes of this Act, all ownership of timber standing on customary lands within North New Georgia shall be transferred to the Corporation (sect. 4). Compensation for the acquisition of rights shall be effected in accordance with section 5. The Functions of the North New Georgia Timber Corporation are set out in section 6.

Nature Conservation Act, No. 47 of 1971.

Europa septentrional

The aim pursued by this Act is the protection of nature as a whole, in such a way that land, sea, freshwater and air are not wasted or polluted. Taking into special account the exceptional and historical aspects of Icelandic nature, the Act shall enhance the nation’s access to and familiarity with the natural environment (art. 1).Once the Act has defined the aims pursued, articles 2 to 8 provide for the institutional framework which shall be in charge of the implementation of these provisions. It shall include the Ministry of the Environment (art.

Brisbane Forest Park Act 1977.


The Act establishes the Brisbane Forest Park and provides for its management. It is divided in 7 Parts (91 sections). Part 2 specifies which land can become part of the park and the effects on proprietors’ rights of land’s inclusion in the park (sect. 11). Part 3 constitutes the Brisbane Forest Park Advisory Planning Board and specifies its composition, operation, functions and powers. Part 4 establishes the Brisbane Forest Park Administration Authority, a corporation sole constituted by the Minister, responsible for the management of the park.

Regional Act No. 52 on new interventions in the forestry field

Europa meridional

All regional interventions aimed at soil conservation, protection of environmental balance and nature preservation shall be implemented in conformity with the general plan referred to in article 1 of Regional Act No. 36 of 16 August 1974. The plan shall be composed of basin plans corresponding to every single hydrographic unit of the regional territory.