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Wildlife and Countryside (Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2002 (S.I. No. 1772 (W. 168 of 2002).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

Part III of and Schedule 9 to the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 substitutes new sections 28 to 28R in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Part III of and Schedule 11 to the 2000 Act makes transitional provisions in relation to the 1981 Act.

Décret nº 2001-359 relatif à l'attribution d'une prime annuelle destinée à compenser les pertes de revenu découlant du boisement de surfaces agricoles.

Europa occidental

Une prime annuelle par hectare, destinée à compenser les pertes de revenu découlant du boisement de surfaces agricoles, prévue à l'article 31, paragraphe 1, deuxième alinéa, deuxième tiret du règlement (CE) nº 1257/1999 du Conseil du 17 mai 1999, peut être attribuée dans les conditions fixées par le présent décret. - La prime de compensation de perte de revenu est attribuée pour les boisements réalisés sur des surfaces agricoles.

Décret nº 2002-894 relatif aux attributions du Ministre de l'équipement, des transports, du logement, du tourisme et de la mer.

Europa occidental

Le ministre de l'équipement, des transports, du logement, du tourisme et de la mer prépare et met en oeuvre la politique du Gouvernement dans les domaines de l'équipement, de l'aménagement foncier, de l'urbanisme, de l'habitat, du logement, de la construction, des transports et de leurs infrastructures, du tourisme et de la mer, à l'exception de la pêche et des cultures marines et de la construction et de la réparation navales.Au titre de l'urbanisme, de l'habitat et de la construction, il exerce notamment les attributions suivantes: 1) Il élabore les règles relatives à la planification urb

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Regulations (No. 527 of 2004).

África austral

These Regulations prescribe rules relative to various aspects of mining operations to be carried out under licences granted under the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, such as application for prospecting rights or exploitation rights and relative procedures and requirements, various plans regarding mining to be submitted to competent authorities, environmental reports and statements to accompany the applications, an environmental management programme and environmental management plan, basic requirements for the closing of mines, environmental liabilities, environmental risk

Décret n° 2002/29 portant changement de dénomination et réorganisation de la mission d'études pour l'aménagement de la vallée supérieure de la Bénoué.

África Central

La Mission d'études pour l'Aménagement de la Vallée supérieure de la Bénoué prend, à compter de la date de signature du présent décret la dénomination de Mission d'études pour l'Aménagement et le Développement de la Province du Nord, en abrégé "MEADEN". La Mission a pour objet le développement harmonieux de la province du Nord.

Pollution Regulations.

América central

These Regulations provide for the prevention and abatement of various kinds of pollution.The 64 regulations are divided into 13 Parts: Preliminary (I); Emission of contaminants into the environment (II); Air pollution generally (III); Particulate emissions from stationary sources (IV); Emission or organic compounds from stationary sources (V); Emissions of carbon monoxide from stationary sources (VI); Emissions of nitrogen oxides (VII); Emission from combustion engines (VIII); Water pollution (IX); Pollution of land (X); Noise abatement (XI); Prohibition of the manufacture of ozone layer da

Pomona Village Land Reservation Regulations.

América central

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Pomona Indian Reserve. So long as sufficient land is available any person who is cultivating land in the vicinity and who wishes to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve may do so and may build his house thereon, by the written permission of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys. The Commissioner of Lands and Surveys shall have power to refuse to permit any person to occupy a plot of land in the Reserve, and may, subject to the provisions of rule 10 of these Rules, withdraw any permission which may be given.

Ramonal-Zapote Reserve Regulations.

América central

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Ramonal-Zapote Reserve. So long as sufficient land is available, any person who wishes to occupy not more than twenty acres of land in the Ramonal-Zapote Reserve, for the purpose of growing annual crops, may do so and may build a house thereon, subject to the conditions specified in the Schedule hereto. The conditions of occupation vary according to the cultivation or use of land, e.g. sugar-cane, pasturage, permanent crops other than sugar-cane.

Toledo Indian Reserve Regulations.

América central

Rules relative to occupation of land in the Reserve. Any Indian who wishes to occupy land in the Reserve may do so and may build his house thereon, by the written permission of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, and on payment of an occupancy fee.

Instruction on concession of land for construction of health resorts, rehabilitation, recreational and tourist sites.

Asia central

This Instruction shall be applicable to concession of land located in the protected area of Issyk Kul for construction of health resorts, rehabilitation, recreational and tourist sites. Temporary concession of land for the aforesaid purposes shall be carried out exclusively through open tenders. Each plot of land shall be put on sale as a separate lot. Boundaries of the plot of land put on sale shall be coordinated with adjacent land tenants and landowners.