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Nature-based Activities Act (No. 610 of 1984).

Europa septentrional

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of those who occupy themselves with agriculture, forestry, fishery and aqaculture, hunting, reindeer breeding and other nature-based activities in the Northern districts of Finland. The Act provides a possibility for such persons to acquire lands which may be used for the purposes as indicated in this Act and the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77) (sect. 8). Section 15 provides for the right of access to water.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 93/2002 approving the Regional Planning of Mármores area (PROZOM).

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Regional Planning of Mármores area (PROZOM) within the Municipalities of Alandroal, Borba, Estremoz and Vila Viçosa. This Regulation consists of 4 chapters regulating marble exploitation, land and water management and use.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)
Repealed by: Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53/2010 approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo. (2010-07-16)

National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP).

National Policies
África occidental

The National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) is a sectoral national plan of Nigeria for the period of 2011-2014. Its main objective is enhancing total factor productivity in the agricultural sector through the application and diffusion of knowledge and improvement in the technology base.One of the components of the Plan is agricultural productivity enhancement.

National Environment Policy (NEP).

National Policies
África oriental

The National Environment Policy (NEP) is a multi-sectoral instrument whose vision is to reach environmental sustainability for the Republic of Mauritius and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. The specific objectives to be attained in this field include the following: Conservation of Environmental Resources; integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development; development of environmental ethics in citizens. The policy recognizes the right of every person to a clean and healthy environment.

Law No. VII of 1961 on forest and wildlife management and its implementing Decree No. 73 of 1981 of the Cabinet on the management of forests and wildlife.

Europa oriental

This is a comprehensive statute of forest management aiming to extend forests by reforestation, to produce good quality and competitive forest products; to contribute to soil conservation, water management and other useful purposes; to integrate hunting and wildlife management with the national economy. The Law differentiates between forests (for timber extraction, research purposes, protection forests and recreational forests, protected forests and for wildlife management purposes) and other woodlands whose surface area is less than half a hectare.

Guam Land Conservation Act - Chapter 65 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the Guam Code.


This Act allows the Department of Agriculture to establish agricultural preserves, contains rules governing administration and establishment of preserves, grants authority to the Department to enter into contracts with landowners to limit the use of agricultural land for preservation purposes and provides for relief from the provisions of such contracts.The following lands may be included in an agricultural reserve: (a) land devoted to recreational use; (b) a wildlife habitat area; and (c) a submerged area.

Règlement n°04/2009/CM/UEMOA du 27 mars 2009 relatif à l’harmonisation des règles régissant l’homologation, la commercialisation et le contrôle des pesticides au sein de l’UEMOA.


Le présent Règlement a pour objet de protéger les populations et l’environnement de l’UEMOA contre des dangers potentiels de l’utilisation des pesticides; faciliter le commerce de pesticides entre les Etats membres, par l’application de principes et règles régionalement reconnus qui minimisent les entraves aux échanges commerciaux; faciliter l’accès des agriculteurs aux pesticides de qualité en temps et lieux opportuns; assurer l’utilisation rationnelle et judicieuse des pesticides; contribuer à la création d’un environnement favorable à l’investissement privé dans l'industrie des pesticide

Legislative Decree No. 372 implementing Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control.

Europa meridional

The purpose of this Legislative Decree is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from the activities listed in Annex I, in order to reach a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole. It lays down measures aimed at reducing and preventing emissions in the air, water and land from said activities ( which are, among others, energy industrial activities, production and processing of metals, waste management ). An authorization is compulsory to operate all or part of installations listed in Annex I.

Convention on the protection of the Alps (Alpine Convention and Annexes.

Europa occidental

The Austrian Parliament has ratified the convention on the protection of the Alps (Alpine Convention), signed at Salzburg on November 7, 1991. The purpose of the afore-mentioned Convention is to protect the natural area of the Alps and foster sustainable development in this region. Particular importance is given to observing the economic and cultural interests of the local population.

National Parks Act, 2002 (No. 33 of 2002).

San Vicente y las Granadinas

This Act establishes the National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority, the National Parks Board and the National Parks Fund and makes provision for the establishment of national parks, their promotion, management and protection and for the acquisition of private land for purposes of establishment or maintenance of a national park or the management of private land as a national park.The Authority is established as a body corporate and shall manage all national parks and have power and control over all rivers, streams, springs, swamps, waterfalls, water pools and beaches in St.

Manual de procedimientos para adquisición de terrenos dentro de áreas silvestres protegidas.

Costa Rica
América central

El presente Manual de procedimientos para adquisición de terrenos dentro de áreas silvestres protegidas, tiene como objetivo dotar al Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación de un documento con el procedimiento normalizado para la consolidación del Patrimonio Natural del Estado, como una herramienta eficaz en el proceso de la adquisición de terrenos, que garantice el correcto uso de los fondos públicos destinados a compra de terrenos dentro de las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas y la igualdad en el trato a los propietarios de los mismos.