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LAND Project Policy Brief: Contested Claims over Protected Area Resources in Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Marzo, 2014

The aim of this policy brief is to describe current and historical conflicts over rights to land and natural resources within and surrounding protected areas in Rwanda. We examine the roots of contested claims between citizens and the State and offer some potential avenues for resolving these conflicts in ways that consider both the priorities of the Government of Rwanda and the rights of local communities that depend on protected area resources.

The “Green charcoal chain”

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2014

German Development Cooperation has developed an approach for the sustainable production of charcoal that has proved to have a considerable impact in Northern Madagascar. Since both environmental and socioeconomic aspects are addressed in a very effective way, this approach has high potential referring to global challenges such as land degradation, rural poverty and climate change.

MENARID Gateway: Strengthening and Scaling-up Integrated Natural Resource Management across MENA

Institutional & promotional materials
Febrero, 2014
Northern Africa
Central Asia
Southern Asia
Western Asia

MENA’s permanent cropland – currently at less than 6% of the total land area – is shrinking due to serious land degradation and recurrent droughts. The region faces the most severe water shortage in the world with annual renewable water resources per capita estimated to decline from 1,045 m3/yr in 1997 to 740 m3/yr in 2015.

Stories of success: Strengthening and scaling up integrated natural resource management in the Middle East and North Africa

Institutional & promotional materials
Febrero, 2014
Northern Africa
Southern Asia
Western Asia

This document is a synthesis of outcomes from a knowledge process that was a collaborative effort involving researchers, scientists, and technicians from Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Yemen.

Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2014

According to estimates by the International Land Coalition based at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 57 million hectares of land have been leased to foreign investors since 2007. Current research has focused on human rights issues related to inward investment in land but has been ignorant of water resource issues and the challenges of managing scarce water. This handbook will be the first to address inward investment in land and its impact on water resources in Africa.

Modélisation et estimation de la valeur de la terre agricole dans la zone périurbaine de Bangui en Centrafrique

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2014
Central African Republic

En Centrafrique, la terre était un bien communautaire inaliénable. Les autochtones occupaient des domaines pour l’agriculture qui devenaient par la suite leurs « propriétés ». Au fur et à mesure que la population croît dans les zones périurbaines, la réserve foncière communautaire diminue et devient des réserves foncières familiales, ce qui a conduit à l’individualisation des droits fonciers marquant ainsi une rupture avec le mode d’accès traditionnel au profit d’un mode d’accès moderne à la terre agricole devenue un bien marchand.

Topic Guide: Land

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2014

Divided into 4 Sections: growing interest in land: large-scale land acquisition; reactions to rising interest in land at the national and international level; land reform and policy: types, impacts (including gender) and risks; land in fragile and conflict-affected states. A number of Topic Guides are being produced for DFID’s Climate, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods Advisers. They are designed to be useful to development professionals.

Regulation of the Minister of Public Works of RI. No. 02/PRT/M/2014 on Guidelines for Land-use Planning.

Febrero, 2014

This Regulation of the Minister of Public Works, consisting of IV Chapters, establishes the Guidelines for Land-use Planning. It specifies requirements and environmental standards to be satisfied for building construction, infrastructure network system, mining facilities and other special works. It also establishes the studies and research to be carried out prior any land use activity, such as: geology, disaster risk management, environment, socio-economic feasibility.

Dawna Tenasserim Landscape (WWF leaflet)

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2014

...The forests of the Dawna Tenasserim are under pressure from deforestation due to
agricultural expansion and logging, forest fragmentation, subsistence poaching, commercial
poaching for the illegal wildlife trade, unsustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products
and wild meat, and major infrastructure development such as roads, pipelines and dams...WWF is conserving the Dawna Tenasserim Landscape
as an intact ecosystem with protected and connected
habitats for wildlife, and safeguarding its valuable

La necesidad de establecer una condición jurídica para quienes deben migrar por causa de los desastres naturales : una realidad que atender desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2014

El incremento desmedido en el número de desastres naturales, sumado a la frecuencia con que estos ocurren a lo largo del mundo entero, ha evidenciado una de las mayores preocupaciones de los Estados: el desplazamiento forzado de la población por esta causa y la delicada situación de derechos humanos que esto implica, por lo cual los Organismos Internacionales han instado en reiteradas oportunidades a los Estados para actuar conjunta y prontamente para evitar que esta siga siendo una de las causas más altas de desplazamiento.

Decision No. 245/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta key economic region through 2020, with orientations toward 2030.

Febrero, 2014
Viet Nam

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta key economic region through 2020, with orientations toward 2030 with the following principal functions: The Mekong Delta key economic region (embracing Can Tho city and Ca Mau, An Giang and Kien Giang provinces) is a key region for producing food, aquatic products and flowers and fruits, significantly contributing to ensuring national food security and the exploit of agricultural and aquatic products of the whole country. It is a major energy center of the country in the southwestern waters.