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Forestry in MAGNET : a new approach for land use and forestry modelling

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

This report discusses improvements of MAGNET in order to improve the analysis of land use change and forestry dynamics. In the standard approach only a difference is made between agricultural land, non-used land that can be potentially used for agriculture, and land that never can be used for agriculture. In the new approach different other land cover types like built - up area and forestry are distinguished.

Participatory integrated watershed management in the north-western highlands of Rwanda

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

This thesis is the result of assessments on the extent of existing resource use and management practices using a Participatory Integrated Watershed Management (PIWM) as a viable approach to promote best soil water conservation (SWC) measures towards more sustainable land use. The study was conducted in two contrasting agro-ecological zones of the north-western highlands of Rwanda, namely; Gataraga and Rwerere in the framework of “Agasozi ndatwa” referred to as PIWM.

Functiecombinaties in het buitengebied : juridische knelpunten en oplossingsrichtingen

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Voor duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling is een balans van planet, people, profit (3P) nodig. Daarvoor heeft men weging als rechtsvindingsmethodiek nodig. Daarbij zouden ecosysteemdiensten behulpzaam kunnen zijn. Deze kunnen leiden tot duurzame functiecombinaties in het buitengebied, wat dan weer duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling garandeert. Ontbreekt een van deze schakels, dan riskeert men planologische monoculturen en enkelvoudig ruimtegebruik. Momenteel ontbreekt weging als schakel. In het groene omgevingsrecht is de sectorale toetsing nog steeds het uitgangspunt.

Duurzaam bodembeheer maïs

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Hoe kunnen veetelers met minder input meer resultaten halen bij snijmaïsteelt? Dat is de centrale vraag van het project “Duurzaam bodembeheer maïs”. De maïsteelt kan echter nadelige effecten hebben voor de bodem door gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en het uit- en afspoelen van nutriënten. Wageningen UR en het Louis Bolk Instituut onderzoeken van 2012 tot 2014 in opdracht van het ministerie van EZ duurzame en praktisch haalbare verbeteringen en vernieuwingen. Teeltsystemen die zorgen voor een gezonde bodem worden daarbij gezien als sleutel tot duurzame teelt.

Proeftuin Food Valley : de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Het agrarische gebruik heeft gevolgen voor de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving. Schaalvergroting is ook voor veel agrarische bedrijven in FoodValley een toekomststrategie. Een ander deel van de bedrijven is relatief klein, een aanzienlijk deel daarvan heeft geen opvolger. Functieverandering van agrarische bedrijven neemt een hoge vlucht en verandert het aanzien van het landschap. Bovendien ontstaan nieuwe en soms ongewenste soorten van bedrijvigheid in vrijkomende agrarische gebouwen en boerderijen. Ondanks het overwegend intensieve agrarisch gebruik, kent de Vallei ook veel "trage gebieden".

Possible Effects on EU Land Markets of New CAP Direct Payments

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the possible effects of the CAP reform
proposals, i.e. the proposed new CAP payments, on EU land.
There are important differences among land markets in EU Member States with respect to
 The nature of the land market (exchanges), in particular the role of rental versus
sales markets;
 Level of agricultural land prices;
 Evolution of agricultural land sales and rental prices;
 Land market regulations and institutions.

Women and natural resources:Unlocking the peacebuilding potential

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

This report is the product of a two-year collaboration between the four partners to: (i) improve the understanding of the complex relationship between women and natural resources in conflict-affected settings, and (ii) make the case for pursuing gender equality, women’s empowerment and sustainable natural resource management together in support of peacebuilding. Part 1 provides an analysis of the relationship between women and natural resources in peacebuilding contexts, reviewing key issues across three main categories of resources, including land, renewable and extractive resources.

Global offensive against desertification. Sowing on barren land

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

A dry and dusty savannah, Emaciated cattle plodding dejectedly past the last remaining scraps of grass that have survived the merciless heat and sandstorms. Such images are all too familiar. Across the globe, soil degradation and desertification cost about 490 billion euros per year, according to expert estimates. "About 12 million hectares of land are lost to this every year" says Wageningen soil physicist Coen Ritsema of Alterra Wageningen UR. ‘That is equivalent to half the land surface of the UK.’

UNCCD Advocacy Policy Framework On Gender

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Gender equity is a matter of fundamental human rights and social justice, as well as a pre-condition for sustainable development. The empowerment of women and gender equity has been recognized as a significant driver of development, enhancing the effectiveness of programs, projects, and initiatives.

Rangelands: Village land use planning in rangelands in Tanzania: good practice and lessons learned

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Rangelands provide numerous goods and services that have great economic, social, cultural, and biological value. Inhabitants of rangelands have engineered pastoral, hunter-gatherer, and farming systems that have sustained their livelihoods in these usually dry environments for centuries. Primarily, rangelands are grazing-dependent systems, characterised by dry periods and droughts. However, these characteristics should not be a barrier to development and can be managed through careful planning and management of resources.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2013
África subsahariana
África Central
República Democrática del Congo

T he Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) committed to the mitigation of the effects of climate change by signing the Kyoto Protocol for climate change and other related environmental management protocols. Since 1994, DRC has produced two national climate change communication documents (RDC, Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature, Eaux, et Forêts 2001; RDC, Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 2009).

Landowners or laborers: What choice will developing countries make?

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2013
Brunei Darussalam
Viet Nam
Isla de Navidad
Islas Cocos (Keeling)

During 2012, a key choice facing developing countries revealed itself ever more starkly. Would they choose a development path built on inclusiveness, respect for the rights of their citizens, and the rule of law? Or would they seek a short-cut to development and opt to hand over community land and natural resources to international investors and national elites? Would they turn their rural citizens from landowners into landless laborers?