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Wildlife Conservation (Wildlife Management Areas) Regulations, 2012 (G.N No. 206 of 2012).

Diciembre, 2011

These Regulations make provision for the declaration, administration and management of wildlife management areas and the establishment of Community Based Organizations for such administration and management. They also provide for non-consumptive and consumptive utilisation of resources of wildlife management areas, the resolution of disputes and management of conflicts in such areas and define offences.Any village intending to designate an area as a Wildlife Management Area shall first establish a Community Based Organization in the manner prescribed under the Trustees’ Incorporation Act.

Makonde Rural District Council (Communal and Resettlement Land) (Land Use and Conservation) By-laws, 2012 (S.I. 172 of 2012).

Diciembre, 2011

These By-laws, approved by the Minister in terms of section 90 of the Rural District Councils Act, shall apply to communal and resettlement land within the Makonde Rural District Council. They allow the Makonde Rural District Council to prepare a plan for- (a) all communal or resettlement land within the Council area; or (b) any ward or combination of wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area; or (c) any part of award or wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area. The By-laws set out the procedure for preparation and adoption of the Plan.

Stratégie et Plan d’Actions de l’Initiative Grande Muraille Verte au Burkina Faso (SPA/IGMV).

National Policies
Diciembre, 2011
Burkina Faso

Fondée sur les Principes de : la recherche de la durabilité socio-économique et environnementale, politique, financière et institutionnelle, la participation des acteurs et la concertation à tous les niveaux, l’approche programmatique partagée et inclusive, la prise en compte pragmatique du genre, la prise en compte de la dimension transfrontière, la Stratégie et Plan d’Actions de l’Initiative Grande Muraille Verte au Burkina Faso (SPA/IGMV) a pour objectif général de « contribuer à une meilleure productivité des terres et à la réduction de la pauvreté au moyen de bonnes pratiques de gestio

Stratégie et plan d’actions de mise en œuvre de la grande muraille verte du Mali (2012).

National Policies
Diciembre, 2011

L’initiative grande muraille verte couvre pour le moment onze (11) pays africains (le Sénégal, la Mauritanie, le Mali, le Burkina Faso, le Niger, le Nigeria, le Tchad, le Soudan, l’Ethiopie, l’Erythrée et Djibouti) et vise à faire front commun et résoudre le problème de la désertification et de l’insécurité alimentaire. Au Mali, la zone d’intervention de la stratégie de la Grande Muraille Verte (GMV) couvre six Régions : Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Mopti, Tombouctou et Gao ; 14 Cercles et 55 communes sur une longueur de 2066 Km d’Est en Ouest.

Plan National Climat (2012)

National Policies
Diciembre, 2011

Afin de concilier le projet « Gabon Emergent » et le développement durable, notamment dans sa dimension climatique, le Gabon a élaboré son Plan National Climat. Le Plan National Climat est basé sur la connaissance du potentiel de ressources dont dispose le Gabon et le respect des principes du développement durable, de bonne gouvernance et d’équité intergénérationnelle dans l’exploitation des ressources naturelles du Gabon.

Impact of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Water Security for Agriculture in Northern China

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

North China is the most important food basket of China, where the majority of wheat and corn are produced. Most crops grown in North China are irrigated, thus water security is food security. Since the 1980s, drying has been frequently observed, as shown by a reduction in precipitation, cutoff in riverflow, and shrinkage of lakes. This increase in drying cannot be explained by climate change alone. We propose that intensive land-use in this area in recent decades has had a significant impact.

Forests and Climate Change Adaption in Asia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

This brief, produced jointly by FAO, UNEP and RECOFTC, outlines the ways in which forests contribute to climate change adaptation in the Asian region. It details current climate changes impacting forest ecosystems in Asia; key components of climate change adaptation and sustainable forest management; the current status of climate change adaptation and forests in Asia; and the way ahead.


Forests and Landslides: The Role of Forests and Forestry in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Landslides in Asia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

Trees and forests play important roles in reducing landslide risk through various mechanisms. Tree roots reinforce soil layers, anchor the soil to bedrock and form buttresses against soil movement. Trees also reduce landslide risk by lowering soil moisture levels – interception, evaporation and transpiration are the primary mechanisms. These mechanisms, and others, also make trees valuable in land reclamation following landslides.