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Recent Glacier Recession – a New Source of Postglacial Treeline and Climate History in the Swedish Scandes

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2011

Climate warming during the past century has imposed recession of glaciers and perennial snow/ice patches along the entire Swedish Scandes. On the newly exposed forefields, subfossil wood remnants are being outwashed from beneath ice and snow bodies. In Scandinavia, this kind of detrital wood is a previously unused source of postglacial vegetation and climate history. The present study reports radiocarbon dates of a set of 78 wood samples, retrieved from three main sites, high above modern treelines and stretching along the Swedish Scandes.

Gestión y minimización de los impactos socio ambientales generados fuera del derecho de vía en la etapa de construcción de carreteras caso: variante Fusagasugá - Cundinamarca

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

La construcción de la Variante de Fusagasugá, en Cundinamarca, que hace parte del proyecto de transporte departamental denominado Doble Calzada Bogotá - Girardot, vía proyectada en una de las zonas de más desarrollo del país, la cual en su diseño atraviesa una parte del territorio del municipio de Fusagasugá con características propias de ruralidad, por fincas dedicadas a la agricultura y que sirven como sitio de descanso y veraneo en época de vacaciones estudiantiles a una parte de la población de Bogotá.

Modelación económica con información espacialmente explicíta de la deforestación en Urabá, Colombia, 1980-2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

La deforestación tropical contribuye al cambio climático por ser la segunda fuente neta deemisión a la atmósfera de gases con efecto de invernadero. El objetivo del artículo fue laidentificación de la importancia relativa de los determinantes de la deforestación observadaen Urabá, 1980-2000. Para ello se usaron modelos conceptuales basados en teoría económicadel uso de la tierra rural, junto con modelos estadísticos discretos dicotómicos en los que seempleó información espacialmente explícita.

Thailand's Forest Regulatory Framework in Relation to the Rights and Livelihoods of Forest Dependent People

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

ABSTRACTED FROM CHAPTER INTRODUCTION: This paper was originally commissioned by IGES to review the Community Forest Act, 2007 “from a rights perspective” and to assess its impacts (or at least its predicted impacts) on livelihoods. However, the task has been a moving target. While ratification was pending the focus shifted towards assessing the potential impacts of the “Act” on the assumption that it would be passed. Now, as there seems little chance that community forestry legislation will be resurrected in the foreseeable future, the focus has again shifted.

Fire effects on soil and hydrology

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

Fire can significantly increase a landscape’s vulnerability to flooding and erosion events. By removing vegetation, changing soil properties and inducing soil water repellency, fire can increase the risk and erosivity of overland flow. Mitigation of land degradation and flooding events after fire can help safeguard natural resources and prevent further economical and ecological havoc, but can benefit from an improved understanding of its drivers.

Farmers’ assessment of soil quality in rice production systems

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011

In the recent past there has been increasing recognition that local knowledge of farmers can yield insight into soil quality. With regard to constraints and possibilities for the production of irrigated rice in the south of Brazil there is no documentation on local soil knowledge. The goals of this study were to answer the following questions: (1) Which soil quality perceptions do rice farmers have? (2) Which soil quality indicators are most important to them?

Moving Forward

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2011

In this 2012 edition of Moving Forward, FAO Forestry is pleased to present a selection of the work it undertook in the 2010-2011 biennium for the benefit of the global forestry community. The FAO Forestry Programme encompasses a vast range of activities and projects, of which this booklet presents only a sample. In all regions of the world, the Programme is helping to implement sustainable forest management and boost the livelihoods of forest-dependent people. It does this, in part, by improving information on forests.

Ecological design suggestions for sustainability of Sille (Konya) settlement

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011

Realizing sustainable urban development requires setting planning processes on ecological grounds and a design approach that strengthens ecology-economics-energy relations for a life consistent with nature.

Sürdürülebilir kentsel gelişimin gerçekleşmesi, planlama süreçlerinin ekolojik temele oturtulmasını ve doğayla uyumlu bir yaşam için ekoloji-ekonomi-enerji ilişkisini güçlendiren bir tasarım yaklaşımını gerektirmektedir.