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Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2009

This analysis and recommendations stem from USAID/Kenya’s request for an assessment of Kenya’s draft National Land Policy (dNLP).4 It was conducted under the global task order: Property Rights and Resource Governance Program, a mechanism designed and supervised by USAID-EGAT’s Land Resources Management Team under the Office of Natural Resources Management.

Formulação de um Programa para a implementação da Convenção das Nações Unidas de Combate a Desertificação (UNCCD) nos países da CPLP

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2009

A localização geográfica de Moçambique nos trópicos e subtrópicos, faz com que ele seja vulnerável a eventos extremos de origem meteorológica tais como secas, cheias e ciclones tropicais e de origem geológica como é o caso de sismos e tsunamis. Dentre as diversas zonas do país, as áridas, semi-áridas e sub-húmidas secas são as mais vulneráveis, devido à degradação da terra caracterizada por perda persistente de productividade de vegetação, solos e pastagens e exacerbada pelo seu uso inapropriado (UNDP, 1992). As regiões sul e parte do centro do país são as mais afectadas pela seca.

A Lei de Terras, de Minas e Sistemas de Direitos Consuetudinários

Conference Papers & Reports
Marzo, 2009

O presente trabalho é assente no cruzamento e análise dos conteúdos da legislação de terras1 , de minas e do reconhecimento pelo Estado das Autoridades Locais, em Moçambique. Será ainda baseado na análise da literatura e estudos realizados relacionados com estas áreas. Ao longo da presente abordagem far‐se‐á uma análise do regime jurídico relativo à descentralização administrativa, desenvolvimento  comunitário e participação das comunidades locais.

Impacts of Land Certification on Tenure Security, Investment, and Land Markets

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2009

While early attempts at land titling in Africa were often unsuccessful, the need to secure land rights has kindled renewed interest, in view of increased demand for land, a range of individual and communal rights available under new laws, and reduced costs from combining information technology with participatory methods. We used a difference-in-difference approach to assess the effects of a low-cost land registration program in Ethiopia, which covered some 20 million plots over five years, on investment.

The State of the then NAFCO, NARCO and Absentee Landlords' Farms/Ranches in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Enero, 2009

The study sought to determine the state of farms that belonged to the then National Agricultural Corporation (NAFCO), ranches that belong to the National Ranching Company (NAFCO) and land belonging to absentee landlords. Since any state is dynamic, this research report, then, is a socio-historical account of what has been happening within/out more than 543,604 hectares of ranch/farmland in the wake of the fall of nationalization and rise of privatization.

Customary Land in Zambia

Reports & Research
Enero, 2009

The study has established that customary land in Zambia is enormously significant because land is central to human existence and a large proportion of Zambians depend on it for their livelihood. Customary land in Zambia is the source of food and other necessaries for human existence for the villagers whose entire spectrum of perceptions of life are rooted in the cultural configurations and heritage of rural activities. Further, the study has found that the land can be made more productive without converting it to leasehold.

Rural Households

Reports & Research
Enero, 2009

...This study will examine the food (rice) availability at the national level using the official and FAO data. Second, a case study in the rice deficit region (Dry Zone) will present the characteristics and food security status of the farm and non-farm rural households (landless) and the determinants of food security. The Dry Zone was chosen to study because the EC & FAO (2007) classified this region as the most vulnerable area of the country. Furthermore, the FAO projected that the Net Primary Production would be decreased significantly in the Dry Zone in the next two decades.

¿Crisis alimentaria o la agudización de la iniquidad? La crisis sistémica de la aldea global

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2009

La crisis alimenticia es apreciada como un problema productivo y distributivo, aun cuando no hay carencia ni una sobredemanda de alimentos que determine su escasez. La crisis es el sobreprecio de los alimentos, es la especulación con una mercancía vital para la vida y la salud de las personas y los pueblos.

Adapting to climate change in the water sector

Enero, 2009

This background note, published by the Overseas Development Institute, provides an overview of the potential risks and vulnerabilities that face the water sector due to climate change. It also summarises of some of the adaptive strategies, targeting both supply and demand of water, being employed across various sectors in the developing world and offers suggestions going forward. It concludes by assessing how current knowledge of climate change can help inform future planning of water sector interventions.

Agriculture in urban planning: generating livelihoods and food security

Diciembre, 2008

This report, by researchers working in urban agriculture (UA), examines concrete strategies to integrate city farming into the urban landscape. Drawing on original field work in cities across the rapidly urbanising global South, the book examines the contribution of UA and city farming to livelihoods and food security. The case studies covered by the authors, focus on the following aspects of urban agriculture:

Rice land grabs undermine food sovereignty in Africa

Diciembre, 2008
África subsahariana

In the wake of the 2008 global food crisis, African capitals have been buzzing with renewed talk of the need for food self-sufficiency, and rice is often at the top of government agendas. Although everyone agrees on the need to increase production, the solutions coming out of the corridors of power boil down to the old formula of getting more fertilizers and “high-yielding” seeds to farmers.