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Different approaches to the social vision of communal land management: the case of Galicia (Spain)

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2010

Communal forests, or Montes Veciñais en Man Común (MVMC), are a specific form of communal land tenure and a singular legal category in Galicia. The growing demographic decline in rural areas and, particularly, in inner areas of Galicia has led to a decrease in the economic interest of forest resources. The complexity of the different management modes or levels of organization of forest communities cannot be explained through a homogeneous interpretation.

Municipal Commonage

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2010

Municipal commonage, used as a common resource for communities, poses a unique opportunity for rural development and land and agrarian reform. The law says that municipal commonage must be used to contribute towards land reform. It must be made available for agricultural purposes to those who were previously excluded from accessing commonages.

Poor town residents who want to engage in agricultural activities must therefore organise to demand access to municipal commonage. This booklet will help you to understand the law, access commonage and use commonage. 

Munisipale Meentgrond

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2010

[AFR] Munisipale meentgrond skep ’n unieke geleentheid vir landelike ontwikkeling en grond- en agrariese hervorming. Wetgewing bepaal dat munisipale meentgrond moet bydra tot grondhervorming. Meente moet beskikbaar gemaak word vir landboudoeleindes vir diegene wat voorheen toegang tot die soort grond ontsê is. Arm dorpsinwoners wat wil deelneem aan landbou, moet saamspan om toegang tot munisipale meentgrond op te eis.

Iziza Zikamasipala

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2010

[XHOSA} Umhlaba wesisa kamasipala lusiphathela ithuba elilodwa lophuhliso lwamaphandle nohlaziyo kwezemihlaba nezolimo. Umthetho usixelela ukuba umhlaba wesisa kamasipala kufuneka ube negalelo kuhlaziyo kwezemihlaba apho uthi wenziwe ufumaneke ukuze usetyenziselwe ulimo ngabo babesakuya bengavumelekanga kwixa langaphambili ukuba

bafumane imihlaba yeziza zikamasipala. Abahlali basezidolophini abahluphekileyo nabanqwenela

ukuzibandakanya kwiinkuthalo zolimo kufuneka ngoko bacebe ukwenza amabango okufumana umhlaba wesisa kamasipala.


Temas clave en el debate de Ley de Tierras

Institutional & promotional materials
Abril, 2010

El artículo contiene propuestas sobre lo que SIPAE sugiere como temas clave en el debate hacia una nueva Ley de Tierras. Este es un aporte para incentivar la discusión en las organizaciones campesinas e indígenas, entre los expertos en la temática, para un proceso que está totalmente abierto. La posibilidad de colocar en el debate nacional una Ley de Tierras es un desafío para orientar y consolidar las demandas de redistribución de tierras, con un horizonte de Reforma Agraria

Untitled: tenure insecurity and inequality in the Cambodian land sector

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre, 2009

Eight years have passed since the enactment of the 2001 Land Law, which established a framework for the recognition of land and property rights throughout Cambodia. In 2002 the multi-donor supported Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP) was initiated in order to implement key parts of the law and further develop the legal framework. LMAP has since been the key focus for the development of the Cambodian land sector. The project was due to end in December 2009.

Biodiesel in India: value chain organisation and policy options for rural development

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2009

India promotes the production of biodiesel from tree-borne oilseeds. This is seen as an option for substituting fossil fuels, reducing CO2 emissions, afforesting wastelands, and generating rural employment. Critics, however, claim that it may lead to food scarcity and seizure of common lands by corporate investors. This report shows that biodiesel production in India has mainly positive effects. As it is promoted on the basis of non-edible oil seeds on marginal lands, the risks of driving up prices for edible oil or crowding out food production are relatively low.

Fiche pays Maroc

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2009

712 550 km², si on inclut les 226 000 km² du Sahara occidental. Organisé dans un axe général sudouest/nord-est, avec l’Océan atlantique comme frontière ouest, la Méditerranée pour celle du Nord. Dans la moitié nord se situe un axe montagneux, dans la même orientation que l’axe général du pays, incluant du sud au nord, l’Anti-Atlas, le Haut Atlas (point culminant à 4 167 m), le Moyen Atlas, et le Rif. La partie sud du pays est désertique (sableuse et pierreuse).

Décentralization et Limites Foncièrs au Mali

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2009

Au Mali, au début des années 1990, la décentralisation fut d’abord un acte politique permettant de proposer une solution viable au problème de la rébellion touarègue.Ensuite, les aspirations aux idées occidentales démocratiques (pluralisme politique,liberté de la presse, etc.) d’une partie des élites urbaines ont rencontré les plans des occidentaux pour le développement de l’Afrique pour donner un système de décentralisation territoriale à la française, mais où la commune est composée d’un ensemble

Agenda 2009 del desarrollo rural en Bolivia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo, 2009

Agenda 2009 del desarrollo rural en Bolivia
 *Oscar Bazoberry Chali
El año 2009 se inició para Bolivia  con el estreno de Constitución Política del Estado, habiendo sido ésta votada el 25 de enero y promulgada el nueve de febrero. La nueva Constitución incorpora un título denominado Desarrollo Rural Integral Sustentable.

The State of the then NAFCO, NARCO and Absentee Landlords' Farms/Ranches in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Enero, 2009

The study sought to determine the state of farms that belonged to the then National Agricultural Corporation (NAFCO), ranches that belong to the National Ranching Company (NAFCO) and land belonging to absentee landlords. Since any state is dynamic, this research report, then, is a socio-historical account of what has been happening within/out more than 543,604 hectares of ranch/farmland in the wake of the fall of nationalization and rise of privatization.