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African Drylands Commodity Atlas

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2008

Desertification is defined as land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. More than one third of the surface of the earth consists of drylands. In terms of population, one out of every five people of the world live in already degraded or desertification-prone drylands. These people include many of the world’s poorest, most marginalized, and politically weak citizens. For instance, nearly 325 million people in the African continent live in drylands.

Atlas des Produits des Zones Arides d'Afrique

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2008

Avant-propos La notion de désertification se définit comme une dégradation des sols en zone aride, semi-aride et subhumide sèche, souvent appelée simplement « zone aride ». On estime qu’elle résulte d’une combinaison de facteurs, parmi lesquels les changements climatiques et l’activité humaine. Plus d’un tiers de la superficie totale de la terre est considéré comme zone aride. En termes démographiques, c’est un cinquième de la population totale du globe qui vit en zone aride déjà dégradée ou menacée de désertification.

Cambodia Environment Monitor 2008

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 2008
Asia oriental

The Cambodia environment monitor 2008 is one of a series of environmental reports prepared for East Asian countries under an initiative sponsored by the World Bank. The objective of this series is to present a snapshot of environmental trends across a range of issues. The purpose of the monitor is to engage and inform interested stakeholders about key environmental changes in an easy to understand format accessible to a wide audience. This report identifies seven strategic priorities for the Royal government of Cambodia and its conservation partners.

Whose Land is it? Commons and Conflict States. Why the Ownership of the Commons Matters in Making and Keeping Peace

Reports & Research
Julio, 2008

Addresses the tenure fate of three commons: the 30 million hectares of pasture lands of Afghanistan which represent 45 percent of the total land area and are key to livelihood and water catchment in that exceedingly dry country; the 5.7 million hectares of timber-rich tropical forests in Liberia, 59 percent of the total land area; and the 125 million hectares of savannah in Sudan, half the area of that largest state of Africa. All three resources have a long history as customary properties of local communities and also share a 20th century history as the property of the state.


Reports & Research
Junio, 2008

O caminho percorrido para que as questões do género e do desenvolvimento e em especial a sua interligação sejam assuntos importantes e alvo de atenção tanto académica como política, foi longo. Várias áreas do conhecimento, como a sociologia, a antropologia e a economia, contribuem para a construção do conhecimento neste domínio, a par de outras mais recentes como os estudos feministas e os estudos póscoloniais. Como resultado, as teorias e os conceitos sobre a relação das mulheres com o desenvolvimento e os efeitos deste sobre as mulheres têm sido vários.

Estado e ações coletivas na África do Sul e no Brasil:

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2008
América del Sur

O artigo busca, por meio da análise da atuação do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (no Brasil) e do Landless People´s Movement (na África do Sul), analisar as formas emergentes que o Estado adquire nesses dois contextos sociais. O objetivo central é mostrar que nesses países, chamados aqui de não exemplares, é preciso que se desenvolva uma teoria complexa que rompa com o dualismo sociológico Estado/Sociedade civil.

Desafios do Desenvolvimento Rural em Moçambique: Contributo Crítico com Debate de Postulados Básicos

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2008

Quando do Ministério da Planificação e Desenvolvimento veio a solicitação para que apresentasse uma palestra sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural, foi-me dito que deveria usar uma abordagem que provocasse a reflexão e a discussão crítica. Evidentemente, sem que eu próprio reflectisse criticamente sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural estaria incapaz de ajudar quem quer que fosse a fazer o mesmo. Lancei-me, então, na tarefa de construir um quadro analítico provocador e crítico que servisse para construir esta conversa. É este raciocínio que aqui pretendo apresentar.

Unjust-Enrichment-Volume 2

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007

The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors. The figures of public resources estimated to have been channeled into private pockets are so high one hopes, obviously against hope, that they would turn out to be typographical errors.

How Should the ‘Ndung’u’ Report Recommendations be Implemented? - What Kenyans Say.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2004

The report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal/Irregular Allocation of Public Land is finally out! Popularly known as the ‘Ndung’u’ Report, the publication of this three-volume document is important to the Kenya Land Alliance for two major reasons. Firstly, the appointment of the Coordinator of the Kenya Land Alliance to the Commission marked a threshold in the relations between KLA and the Government of Kenya.