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Women’s Access to Land in Kenya

Reports & Research
Enero, 2010

Includes inheritance: a key way women access land; local mechanisms: ‘custom’, power dynamics and lack of engagement; formal justice system: community pariah status and systemic barriers. The lack of access to land cannot be framed as a failing of formal or informal systems, but rather as issues with both. The key to increasing access to justice at both formal and informal levels is to address power dynamics and understand how they operate to the detriment of women.

Reconciling Living Customary Law and Democratic Decentralisation to Ensure Women's Land Rights Security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Enero, 2010
South Africa

The recent Constitutional Court judgment rendering the Communal Land Rights Act (CLARA) unconstitutional (Tongoane and Others v Minister for Agriculture and Land Affairs and Others) must not be allowed to throw decentralisation policy making into disarray. Decentralisation holds much potential for lively, participatory democratic law making and enforcement, through which rural women can gain greater power and secure more rights. 

Women’s Inheritance and Property Rights: A Vehicle to Accelerate Progress Towards the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals - Paper N. 13

Reports & Research
Enero, 2010

Strengthening women's inheritance and property rights can be an effective means of decreasing poverty and increasing gender equality, and thereby accelerating progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This paper presents two case studies from Rwanda and Ethiopia to illustrate the potential impact that advocacy, legislative reform and law enforcement in this area can have on the achievement of the MDGs in developing countries.

Update 2010: Rural women’s access to land and property in selected countries

Reports & Research
Enero, 2010

In 2004, FAO, IFAD, and the International Land Coalition (ILC) jointly published a report on progress towards the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), with respect to the status of rural women. This report provided an historical background to CEDAW and its Optional Protocol (OP 1999) as well as an overview on land issues as reflected in the reports submitted by States Parties.

Women From Mining Affected Communities Speak Out: Defending Land, Life & Dignity

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2009

This International Women and Mining Network - RIMM's publication is one step towards building an awareness of the challenges and struggles experienced by women in particular places where companies are extracting wealth from the depths of the earth. The perspectives of these outspoken women on mining are rarely heard in international media, court rooms, parliamentary legislatures, or international policy development forums.

Enhancing agricultural productivity and profitability in Nigeria

Diciembre, 2009

Much of Nigeria's recent economic growth can be attributed to its non-oil economy-primarily agriculture. But the recent agricultural growth has been driven mainly by expansion in areas planted while productivity has remained flat or declining. This brief provides insight for formulating policies and strategies to enhance profitability and productivity of major crops across Nigeria's agroecological zones.

Institutional environment and access to microfinance by self-employed women in the rural areas of Edo state

Diciembre, 2009

In Nigeria, conventional financial institutions serve only about 35 percent of the active population, and the poor, especially women, have limited access to financial services. Private sector-led microfinance institutions (MFIs) are increasingly playing a role to fill this need. This brief provides an overview of the institutional environment of microfinance in Nigeria, as well as insights and recommendations for better reaching this audience, based on focus group discussions and case studies of self-employed women in rural areas of Edo State, Nigeria.

Assessing food security in Yemen

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2009

The lack of updated information about food security is of concern to many countries, especially during and after economic crises, natural disasters, and conflicts. In this paper we present an analytical framework for assessing the effects of such crises on food security. This methodology can compensate for the lack of recent data in the aftermath of various crisis situations and thus provide important information to policymakers. We apply this methodology to Yemen, a country where the recent food price crisis and global economic recession have been especially damaging.

A Training Course on Land, Property and Housing Rights in the Muslim World

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2009

This training course from the Global Land Tool Network is part of the Network’s activities on Islamic dimensions of land. In most Muslim countries, Islamic law, principles and practices make an important contribution to shaping access to land. GLTN therefore has as one of its objectives the identification and development of Islamic land tools and case studies through a cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and global process, owned by Muslims, but also including other civil society and development partners.