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Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio 2016

When finalizing the New Urban Agenda, United Nations Member States should address land as a key focus area and give attention to all types of human settlements: urban, peri-urban and rural, rich and poor. Members States should confirm and build on existing international instruments that promote…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2016

El año 2015 fue el peor de la historia en lo que respecta al asesinato de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente, personas que luchaban por proteger su tierra, sus bosques y sus ríos mediante acciones
pacíficas, a pesar de las crecientes adversidades.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2016

Au moment de finaliser le Nouvel Agenda Urbain, les États membres des Nations Unies devraient aborder la question du foncier comme secteur d’intérêt clé et inclure la terre dans tous les types d’établissements humains : urbains, périurbains, et ruraux, riches ou pauvres.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2016

<em>Encroaching on Land and Livelihoods</em> examines whether national expropriation laws in 30 countries across Asia and Africa follow the international standards established in Section 16 of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2016

The starting point of the Open Knowledge Hub project was our belief that the adoption of so-called ‘Open Knowledge’ approaches had the potential to improve the impact of research evidence on development outcomes and address inequalities in the visibility, accessibility and uptake of diverse…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2016

The Guidelines promote responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests, with respect to all forms of tenure. Their overarching goals are to achieve food security for all and support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2016

It is to present the course which introduces the main concepts and principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure. It aims to help people understand the Guidelines and to apply the principles to practical situations in their countries, as well as to raise the…

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo 2016

La elaboración de este detallado manual ha sido fruto del trabajo colectivo y participativo del grupo de trabajo de tierras y territorio del     Comité Internacional de Planificación para la Soberanía Alimentaria (CIP). Esta guía pedagógica y didáctica proporciona una orientación práctica de las…

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo 2016

Pastoralists are one of the most poverty stricken and underdeveloped existing human groups in the world. Until now, having remained practically invisible in the eyes of international law, it is desirable to open a debate concerning the recognition of their rights. The ideal situation would be to…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2016

Malnutrition costs the world trillions of dollars, but global commitment to improving people’s nutrition is on the rise, and so is our knowledge of how to do so. Over the past 50 years, understanding of nutrition has evolved beyond a narrow focus on hunger and famine. We now know that good…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2016

Malnutrition costs the world trillions of dollars, but global commitment to improving people’s nutrition is on the rise, and so is our knowledge of how to do so. Over the past 50 years, understanding of nutrition has evolved beyond a narrow focus on hunger and famine. We now know that good…