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Displaying 7561 - 7572 of 7952

This Act makes provision for the calculation and collection of income tax in South Africa and related matters. It concerns, among other things, expenditure incurred by a lessor of land let for farming purposes and in respect of soil erosion works, income from the occupation of land, income of…


This Act provides for the protection of areas defined by this Act. The objectives of this Act are: (a) to provide, within the framework of national legislation, for the declaration and management of protected areas; (b) to provide for cooperative governance in the declaration and management of…


Cette ordonnance fixe les règles relatives à l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique. Elle comprend 52 articles répartis en 6 titres, à savoir: Déclaration d'utilité publique (I); Transfert de la propriété et de ses effets, prononcé par arrêté ministériel ou du wali qui…

National Policies

Pour remédier aux graves menaces de la désertification et de la dégradation de ses ressources naturelles, Madagascar s’est doté d’un Plan d’Action National (PAN) de lutte contre la désertification aligné au plan cadre stratégique décennal 2008-2028. L’objectif global du PAN aligné est d’…

National Policies

The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative - National Strategic Action Plan is a national sectoral action plan of Nigeria. It applies to the period of 2012-2017. Its main goal is improving the well-being of the affected people and reducing their vulnerability to climate change…


These amendments concern various legal proceedings in relation with land claims and land development and related matters such as the registration of land restored or awarded to a claimant.
Amends: Restitution of Land Rights Act (No. 22 of 1994). (1994-11-25)


This Presidential Resolution destines the land located in the zone of Ras Sidr –South Sinai Province with area of 9 acres (feddan) and 2 carats indicated and illustrated as in the map annexed to this Resolution in favour of the Desert Research Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land…


This Act allows the President to create, in the name of public interest, public statutory rights of way. Section 2 specifies the works for which statutory rights of way may be created. If a person is not satisfied with compensation assessed by the Minister for the establishment of a right of way…


This Notice of the President assigns to the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement - (a) the administration of the Acts set out in the Schedule; and (b) the functions conferred or imposed on the Minister save to the extent that those functions have not been assigned to some other Minister. The…


This Act amends the Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 with respect to a wide variety of matters including composition coastal public property, access fees, purposes for which coastal public property is established, reclamation of land by public authorities for state infrastructure and…


Le présent décret modifie le décret n° 2001-2795 du 6 décembre 2001, portant création d'une unité de gestion par objectifs pour la réalisation du projet de développement agricole intégré du bassin minier du gouvernorat de Gafsa et régit son organisation et les modalités de son…


Le présent décret porte transfert des attributions de l'ex-ministre de l'environnement et de l'aménagement du territoire relatives au littoral et au domaine public maritime au ministre de l'équipemnt, de l'habitat et de l'aménagement du territoire.
Met en…