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This Regional Law establishes that maximum land area of land plots allotted for subsidiary smallholding shall not exceed 2, 5 ha.


Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du livre VI du code de l'urbanisme applicables au contentieux de l’urbanisme.


This Law amends and supplements articles 3, 13, 24, 28 of Law No. 9235 of 2004 with regard to the property evaluation process, the evaluation indicators, and the coordination between the involved institutions.
Amends: Law No. 9235 on restitution and compensation of property. (2004-07-29)…

International Conventions or Treaties

The Contracting Parties shall promote the cooperation in the field of spatial planning, land use planning and regional policy. Article 1 establishes that to this end a Joint Commission shall be formed being responsible for suggestions and recommendations in the subject-matter. The text consists…

International Conventions or Treaties

An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Albania on bilateral economic relations. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic bilateral cooperation for their mutual benefit in the following fields: agriculture and forestry, food…


This Regional Law regulates some issues in the sphere of land relations except for those related to agricultural land. It establishes minimum and maximum land areas for land plots pertaining to public and municipal land in ownership to citizens in accordance with the following criteria: (a)…


Le présent décret vise l’encadrement des procédures d'autorisation et de déclaration d'utilité publique relatives à la construction et à l'exploitation des canalisations de transport de gaz, d'hydrocarbures et de produits chimiques.En outre, il définit, d’une part, les règles…


Le présent ordonnance simplifie et clarifie les procédures d’élaboration, de modification et de révision des documents d’urbanisme (schéma de cohérence territoriale (SCOT), plans locaux d’urbanisme (PLU) et cartes communales).Elle entre en vigueur à une date déterminée par décret en Conseil d…


Le présent décret, pris pour l'application de l’ordonnance n° 2012-11 du 5 janvier 2012 portant clarification et simplification des procédures d’élaboration, de modification et de révision des documents d’urbanisme, met en place des dispositions propres à chaque procédure d’évolution des…


This Act sets regulations related to the fertilization of soil in rural areas (soil conditioners, spraying, cultivation, etc.) which is not permitted in buffer zones of maximum 10 meters from the shores of open water courses and lakes with a surface area of more than 100 square meters (article 1…

International Conventions or Treaties

An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Libyan Arab Republic on economic, scientific and technical cooperation. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic, scientific and technical co-operation for their mutual benefit. This…

International Conventions or Treaties

The Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a Joint Commission responsible for issues on land use planning, especially in border areas. The Commission shall elaborate related suggestions and recommendations. The text consists of 8 articles.