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This Act imposes a property tax when there is a transfer of ownership of property to persons who are not citizens of Sri Lanka. They shall be charged from the transferee of such property an amount equivalent to the value of that property (sect. 2). The tax shall be paid to the Registrar of Lands…


The present Law regulates relations between the State and its authorized bodies and legal and natural persons in the process of privatisation of state property. Article 4 defines the basic principles of privatisation. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, within the limits of its…


The right of ownership in the Republic of Tajikistan is recognised and protected by law. Enforcement of the right of ownership must not harm the environment and the health of citizens nor must it breach the rights and lawful interests of citizens, enterprises, organizations and the State.…


In this Act "land development" means any act done to soil or land in order to increase its richness or quality, or to increase agricultural produce, and includes the improvement of soil or land which lacks natural fertility or lacks fertility due to its utilisation, and soil and water…


This Order, composed of 10 sections, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 provides the Minister of Agriculture with powers to set ordinances regarding the announcement of any area…


Section 6 is substituted so as to provide anew for the reconsideration of decisions of the Board: Whoever has been afflicted by an order of the Board may, within a period of sixty days after such order has been given, apply, in the manner prescribed by law, to the Board for a reconsideration of…


This Act makes provision for the establishment of a Land Reform Board to determine the implementation of the land reform program and a just land legislation. The Board shall consist of a Chairman and not more than two other members. The Chairman and the other members of the Board shall be…


This Amendment, of four sections, adds the following sections to the principal Law. After section (41) shall be inserted section (41A) dealing with prohibitions regarding the selling of natural assets unless permitted by the Minister of Agriculture. After sec.(42) shall be inserted section (42A…


An Act to regulate the ownership and administration of Ratchaphatsadu land. "Ratchaphatsadu land" means every immovable property, which is State property except the following domaine public of State. There shall be a committee called "Ratchaphatsadu Land Committee" consisting…


With a view to strengthening the State management of the land, encouraging efficient land use, ensuring equity in tax obligations and supplementing the State budget with part of the income of the land user who assigns his/her land use rights, a tax on the transfer of land rights is introduced by…


A Law to regulate the ownership and allotment of arable land in Georgia. All land is declared to belong to the national wealth and property of the republic of Georgia. Only citizens of Georgia have the legal right of ownership of land. State land is divided, according to the purpose it serves,…

This Circular of the Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife to Forest Secretaries of all States and other territories concerns the involvement of village communities and voluntary agencies for regeneration of degraded forest lands. The National Forest Policy envisages it as one of the…