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Agreements & Contracts
Junio 2014

This is a Concession Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Timber (Wood) as the primary resource(s)

Agreements & Contracts
Junio 2014

This is a Concession Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Timber (Wood) as the primary resource(s)

Reports & Research
Junio 2014

Los quilombolas -descendientes de los esclavos negros- de Erepecuru (Brasil) viven en el medio de la selva amazónica, en una región que abriga el mayor mosaico de áreas protegidas del mundo que incluyen 12,8 millones de hectáreas de unidades de conservación estatales, 1,3 millón de…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2014

Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources (of the CGRFA) - ITWG-FGR
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/WG-FGR-3/14/Inf.6

Reports & Research
Mayo 2014

This report on the assessment of land governance in Brazil summarizes and discusses the results of a series of standardized self-assessments of the land governance situation in Brazil, conducted entirely by Brazilian speakers. Therefore, these findings represent the perception of local experts…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2014

This report synthesizes and discusses the findings of a series of self-assessments of the land governance1 situation in Brazil conducted entirely by knowledgeable Brazilians using a standardized indicator-based diagnostic assessment instrument. The findings, therefore, represent the perception…

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo 2014

A Educação Ambiental surge como política pública no
Brasil com o estabelecimento da Política Nacional
de Meio Ambiente – PNMA (Lei nº 6.938, de 1981),
no contexto da Conferência Intergovernamental de Educação Ambiental de Tbilisi (1977), que destacou o processo educativo como…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2014

Durante los últimos seis meses, las zonas amazónicas de Bolivia, Brasil y Perú han compartido los impactos de inundaciones como un fenómeno de fuerza inusitada en comparación con las últimas décadas. En esta nueva entrega de la serie Diálogos, el autor proporciona información del impacto de las…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mayo 2014

Repasa la legislación agraria desde la reforma de 1953, pasando por la constitución del 2009 y la legislación boliviana hasta septiembre del 2013.

Journal Articles & Books
Abril 2014

The aim of this study is to discuss and apply hedonic methodology for the determination and forecast of land prices in specific markets. This is important due to the fact that there is no official or reliable information in Brazil on current prices in land market transactions. This hedonic price…

Journal Articles & Books
Abril 2014

A energia elétrica é uma das bases do desenvolvimento, consequentemente é um dos principais influentes na questão ambiental, estando no cerne das discussões do desenvolvimento sustentável.
A Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte construída no Rio Xingu, no município de Altamira no…

Agreements & Contracts
Marzo 2014

This is a Concession Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Timber (Wood) as the primary resource(s)