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Reports & Research
Junio 2006

At this point – just under half way (two years and six months) in the implementation of the first CPWF phase (and three years and eight months since inception began) governance and management processes are running smoothly, it is in reasonable financial health and technical processes – such as…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2005

Óñëîâèÿ æèçíè â ñåëüñêîé ìåñòíîñòè ñòðàí Öåíòðàëüíîé è Âîñòî÷íîé Åâðîïû óõóäøàþòñÿ è áóäóò åùå äàëüøå óõóäøàòüñÿ äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà ñóùåñòâóþùèå ïðîáëåìû íå áóäóò ðåøåíû ïîñðåä- ñòâîì ðåàëèçàöèè ïðîåêòîâ è ïðîãðàìì êîìïëåêñíîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ñåëüñêèõ ðàéîíîâ. Óñïåõ è óñòîé÷èâîñòü òàêèõ ïðîåêòîâ è ïðî-…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2004

Azerbaijan Republic is in the Southern Caucasus, between longitudes 444 and 522 East and latitudes 388 and 422 North. Its territory is 86,400 square km. The country has a population of 8,000,000 and borders on the Russian Federation in the North (390 km), the Iran Islamic Republic in the South (…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2004

The framework reported here drives from the documentation and experiences gained under the SDC funded ?Integrated Water Resources Management in the Fergana Valley Project (IWRM-Fergana), which is implemented by the association comprising the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2004

This report analyzes the evolving water-management institutions and their performance of five core water management functions, in the context of the ongoing economic and agrarian reform in the Kyrgyz Republic. These core water-management functions are, operation of water systems, maintenance,…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

This paper examines the existing and potential connections between rural people and forests in the Kyrgyz Republic, with the aim of developing an improved understanding of the role and potential role of the forestry sector in poverty reduction.1 While the paper focuses on Kyrgyzstan, the wider…

Reports & Research
Junio 2004

This study, perhaps the first of its kind in this region, is based on a study that explores the practice of casual sex among truck drivers, and commercial sex workers in the border areas of the Baltic region at a point of time, and, uses this evidence to extrapolate the potential impact on the…

Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre 2003

Citizenship is an abstract concept and therefore great care must be taken in explaining what it means in practice and what can effectively be done in the context of development interventions and policy. Development projects which enhance the ability of marginalised groups to access and influence…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre 2003

Citizenship is an abstract concept and therefore great care must be taken in explaining what it means in practice and what can effectively be done in the context of development interventions and policy. Development projects which enhance the ability of marginalised groups to access and influence…