The objective of the present study was to deepen understanding of outcomes and impacts contributed by the leasehold forestry (LHF) programme, particularly in terms of improving livelihoods, reducing poverty and rehabilitating degraded forests in the hills of Nepal, through improved forest…
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-II/14/ Report
Session: Sess.2
The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources addresses the conservation, management and sustainable use of forest tree and other woody plant genetic resources of actual and potential value for human well-being in the broad range of management systems. This report complements two other FAO…
Meeting Name: Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils
Meeting symbol/code: ITPS-II/14/Report
L'acquisition de terres mal réglementée est devenue un problème majeur, notamment en Afrique subsaharienne et en Asie du Sud- Est, où cette question menace la sécurité alimentaire, les moyens d’existence locaux et la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, provoque des conflits fonciers…
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-II/14/ Report
Session: Sess.2
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-15/15/Inf.17.1
Session: Sess. 15
Following the example of Tiffen et al. on Machakos, Kenya, new macro-based evidence was collected in Machakos, the neighbouring Kitui district and in Benin, Cameroon and the Philippines, to assess the factors à la Boserup, inducing transitions towards sustainable land management, such as…
The central theme of this edition of Nature & Faune journal is “Enhancing gender equality in the management of Africa's natural resources”. It reviews the situation including achievements and challenges related to adequacy, equity and equality in the roles the two genders play in…
Keeping its tradition of exploring major emerging issues, Nature & Faune has chosen to dedicate this edition to looking at the implications of rapid urbanization and its implications for urban food and nutrition security, focusing on the specific roles of sustainable management and…
Le thème central de ce numéro de Nature & Faune est : « Améliorer la parité hommes-femmes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles de l’Afrique ». Il passe en revue la situation, y compris les réalisations et les défis en rapport avec la pertinence, l’équité, et l’égalité dans les rôles…