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Junio 2012

La présente ordonnance fixe les attributions communes et spécifiques des différents ministères. Les attributions communes portent sur la conception, élaboration et mise en œuvre de la politique du Gouvernement dans les secteurs qui leur sont confiés; la Préparation des projets de Traités,…

Agreements & Contracts
Mayo 2012

This is a Forest Management Plan posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Le bois d'œuvre as the primary resource(…

Agreements & Contracts
Abril 2012

This is a Contrat de Concession Forestière posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Timber (Wood) as the primary…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Enero 2012

En 2010 y 2011, la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) financió cinco proyectos comunitarios que promovían el empoderamiento legal de las mujeres rurales. Los proyectos fueron el piloto de modalidades innovadoras dirigidas a fortalecer los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Enero 2012

En 2010 et 2011, la Coalition internationale pour l’accès à la terre (ILC) a soutenu cinq projets communautaires encourageant l’autonomisation juridique des femmes en milieu rural. Ces projets ont non seulement testé des méthodes innovantes pour améliorer les droits fonciers des femmes, mais ont…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2011

Endowed with 80 million hectares of arable land (of which only 10 percent are used), diverse climatic conditions, and abundant water resources, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the potential to become the breadbasket of the entire African continent. Instead, the country is one of the…

Diciembre 2011

The Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) company controls a 1,600 square kilometre mining concession in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Tenke Fungurume deposits make up one of the most important reserves of copper and cobalt in the world with abundant quantities of high assay ore.

Diciembre 2011

The objective of this research report was to establish whether, and to what extent, post-conflict efforts at national, regional and international levels are improving the situation of artisanal gold-mining communities in the provinces of Orientale, North and South Kivu, and Maniema in the…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

Land issues, exploitation of natural resources, and Forests of Rural Communities in the periphery of Kinshasa, DRC. Peri-urban forests are under strong anthropic pressure. Any activity needs a previous identification of stakeholders, landscape perception, socio-economic trends in local…

Reports & Research
Diciembre 2011

The implementation of effective Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from violent conflict are essential for building and maintaining peace and security. In many instances the disarmament and demobilisation of former combatants was achieved, but…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre 2011

The implementation of effective Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from violent conflict are essential for building and maintaining peace and security. In many instances the disarmament and demobilisation of former combatants was achieved, but…

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre 2011

Since 2000 and the implementation of China’s ‘going abroad’ policy, mainland Chinese state-owned and private companies have significantly increased their interests in the resources and investment opportunities of the Congo Basin, bringing new opportunities as well as potential social and…